Insurgency Sandstorm Lies And Misinformation

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So NWI and some of their white knights still think I am and have given misinformation regarding themselves and their product, well here is your opportunity to call me about it and let me know where I have been doing this, but if you can’t you need to take a look at their actions / none actions when it comes to the console community.

NWI have let this community down and have lost all their trust and it’s their own fault, you can all carry on blaming people like me but the blame lies and the doors of NWI.


8 thoughts on “Insurgency Sandstorm Lies And Misinformation”

  1. When smaller youtubers care more about the community than the actual community manager, perhaps they should direct his salary somewhere else. He's here to represent the community majority, not market the game on those monthly streams. Aside from the console version, PC players are still waiting for deathcam to be removed from PVP, still waiting for the HD texture pack to be released after they tried downgrading the asset quality in silence. Majority of players were very vocal about their despise of these changes yet the same few asslicks always defended NWI to the end. Their excuse? "It's just a small change, who cares?", not only did the community not get a say on any of these, they tried sneaking it in so we wouldn't notice. It amazes me tbh.

  2. Aint that the truth Devlin they can’t handle the truth 😂 Nice and great video again mate how long has iT bin since nwi told us new information about console comes soon iT feels like its bin months ago since we heard something or anything at all over more then 2 years now but we shall see

  3. I love Insurgency myself, and I’m quite pissed how long I have been waiting for them to release it on console. There so much potential to make it cross play, and have a normal amount of player base, and there so many people who are hardcore fans that plead a game like this.


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