Iron Fiesta – A League of Legends Meme Compilation

A compilation of (almost) every League of Legends meme I’ve made from late 2019 to now.
Everything in this video was posted on my Twitter but I wanted to have everything compiled here so people don’t miss out on my garbage memes.


00:00 Sion ganks bot
00:17 Running from Urgot
00:28 When the ADC splitpushes alone
00:42 stfu I’m trying to towerdive
01:00 When you want to steal that dragon
01:22 How playing against Nautilus feels like
01:51 Inside the brain of a Garen main
02:23 ??? (Teemo)
02:31 Being late to guarding the jungle
02:39 NA Yasuo
03:11 “Supports”
03:26 It’s teamfight time
03:35 Lulu
03:47 Lane Shaco players after using E
03:53 Being a jungler that actually ganks
04:09 Yasuo goofs
04:20 Using TP to teamfight
04:34 Ezreal players with E on CD
04:45 monki
04:54 “I need 100g for Infinity Edge”
05:01 Twitch chat
05:09 Vibing before jungle camps spawn
05:19 Morde ult rework
05:33 Laning phase is over
06:00 Kayn mains
06:10 Udyr
06:16 Midlaners when you tell them “no blue”
06:23 Drake
06:58 Why
07:20 Using a skin that has music
07:34 No one is guarding jungle
07:51 Kassadin
08:06 Trying to get League Partner (still waiting, Riot)
08:26 Nasus W rework
08:35 Jumping over walls
08:50 Tyler1 streams
09:17 Counting numbers with Jhin
09:31 100% CDR Bug
09:53 Toplaners while their team is losing
10:11 Morgana Q
10:19 The “Akalee” syndrome
10:36 Pushing too far as botlane
11:07 I buffed the blast cone
11:14 Elder Dragon time


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