Is C0 Childe worth? – Genshin Impact

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43 thoughts on “Is C0 Childe worth? – Genshin Impact”

  1. i typically use c0 Tartaglia with my c6 Fischl and Diluc as another dps then Bennett or Qiqi as support

    Tartaglia and Fischl is insane, Riptide Slash deals hard against multiple targets due to splash dmg + arcing dmg from electro charge

  2. i get jean in 50/50 venti´s banner i didnt had her so its not so bad, but, you if i pull for childe with the 100% of chance incresed in the next pity, its going to be worthy? i have diluc c1, keching c1, jean, mona and Xiao, so i should skip childe banner to save for zhongli in 1.5? Good luck everyone!

  3. Love the video for my favourite Character <3

    I may have a stupid question..
    Sure I could use skyward harp or Rust but is a R1 SH better than a R5 Rust?
    since the upcoming weapon banner may give me the chance to roll for the bow.

  4. My fav dps. My playstyle changed with him so much and I love running him with Beidou, Benett and Venti/Zhongli. I just hope I get Rust or Skyward Harp for him in the future

  5. i wanted childe for the longest time but now I dont need or want him anymore. power creep is a real thing and future characters like la signora and dainleaf are way more exciting to me. imma save all my primos for them

  6. Already have him C0 and I don't really care for more cons but his C1 would be ok. I'd rather get rosaria in the first couple of multis then save for the next character. I will be pulling on the weapon banner though harp would be so nice for him.

  7. You shouldn't even put 2 DPS at the same team. In regular play then you can, but in spyral abyss never put 2 DPS at the same team

    For the f2p/low-spending players

  8. I don't think I'm too sold on Childe esp after this video seeing C6 the question that seems prevalent is ok so who's your main dps when Childe is on cooldown?

    Not that I can't appreciate finesse characters but it doesn't add up for me, especially when you can build a hyper carry team or simply use a DD who isn't stuck behind cooldowns for dual DD.

  9. Tenha one thing you forgot to mention, and not many people know this but, the riptide flash that happens when you kill an enemy scales off of his normal attack talent, so it's still a good talent to get to +6 at the minimum.


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