Is Caustic RUINING Apex Competitive? TSM Snip3down Ranked Gameplay

#Caustic #Snip3down #ApexLegends

There have been some rough metas (lifeline heal-off, the nade spam meta before Wattson, Gibby overbuff), but NOTHING has felt worse in tournaments and scrims than this Caustic meta. What do you guys think when you watch pro play?


37 thoughts on “Is Caustic RUINING Apex Competitive? TSM Snip3down Ranked Gameplay”

  1. I think caustic is fine. Hes strong in what his character was meant to be played in: in buildings.
    Judging by the recent tournament, almost every team had caustic in their setup, yet the team that won was a wraith, crypto Watson, which was cool to see.

  2. I mean he may be a problem at the top 1% in competitive but that doesn't warrant a nerf or change. You should never balance a game based on competitive. Most players in pubs aren't going to use him effectively unless its a sweaty ttv pred squad but then they prob woulda beamed you regardless. Hell even in diamond I find gibby way more frustrating than caustic.

  3. Look at the lobby there in lmao how the fuck are they in a pred lobby and there’s only one other squad in that ring. In Xbox lobbies there’s literally fucking 8 squads in the smallest ring in every single lobby

  4. I'm a Caustic main. Snipe makes some classic Caustic mistakes starting at 6:38, like playing defense when he should be fighting up with his squad, and then throwing his ult blindly where it's unlikely to help, since the other team can easily escape it with minimal damage. Still fun to watch – thanks, Snipe!

  5. I think Caustic is a balanced character in my opinion and there is no point in a buff or a nerf people might say to nerf the gas where you can just run through then what’s the point of the gas it would just do 10 damage and kill the defense they should fix other defensive legends that can actually compete with caustic like Rampart also maybe a good buff for Watson then they could compete with caustic.Caustic is strong but more indoors or in closed spaces that’s what makes him good if you nerf his gas he would be like a mirage (not a insult I love to play mirage) not a good team player.

  6. Thats a little unfair. Hes been in the game since launch and was never an issue just annoying. Gibby and his broken ass gun shield has been meta rank for several seasons. Let caustic have his time.

  7. Simple nerf would be taking out THROWING your canisters or ult, instead only allowing placing them at your feet. That way you can’t trap enemies unfairly, you can only do damage on defense or when your right up against the enemy

  8. Pro don't understand that lot of casual player of apex love caustic, the character and his habilities!
    I played him since season 1 and I think that if respawn delete him lot of people will quit the game…


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