is it even worth using the Flatline anymore?? – Apex Legends

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0:00 intro
1:20 is the Flatline even worth using anymore?
9:17 they just kept falling off the map..


45 thoughts on “is it even worth using the Flatline anymore?? – Apex Legends”

  1. The punch off the map at the end made this video. I couldn't stop laughing after hearing him say, "No!"

    As for the flatline, I still love it. I just wish I could shoot as straight and keep the gun recoil down. I've done much better and fixed my settings so it's much better but NOTHING compared to how straight those shots are.

    Great video!

  2. I've been playing some rank lately. Haven't played in a couple seasons. I'm finding myself crafting a lot of Flatlines as well as Longbow DMRs. I can't stand a Prowler since the nerve of automatic fire (five round bursts are a joke). R301 seems to be the most versatile weapon in the game right now that's not crafted. I am also enjoying the Sentinel as well as the Charge Rifle too. I have mixed feelings about the Triple Take which seems to take too long in many instances to get a clean accurate shot in this fast moving game. If the game is slow or time permits the Triple Take can be decent, but the other three sniper weapons are superior in my opinion. Also, the Wingman is pretty decent too if you're hitting your shots . ✌️👍🤟

  3. The Flatline being SLIGHTLY nerfed by one damage per bullet is honestly not a big deal. Get over it. I never cared for it at all and I always thought that it was a very inaccurate and sloppy weapon once you get beyond about 15 meters from someone (which isn't shit in most fights); but apparently I'm in the minority. It is only good for hip firing and close range combat. Aside from that, it is extremely over-rated.

  4. I think putting guns in the crafter was one of the worst things respawn has done. Especially putting the longbow in there. Now there’s only two snipers and the amount of sniper ammo is way lower than what it was

  5. Why is jankz trying to describe aiming by not saying it's aiming? The sight is always the center of the screen, so moving the enemy to the center is moving the sight to the enemy. Silly jankz

  6. If it was floor loot it would still be my go to with the nerf. I’ll craft one every now and then. Seems like people aren’t expecting it when they get 1 clipped by it. Hip fire on it is still amazing.


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