Is This THE END Of Apex Legends!?

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44 thoughts on “Is This THE END Of Apex Legends!?”

  1. Wattson needs a nerf ….. WTF MAN SERIOUSLY I kinda hope he's being sarcastic and we just cant see it. Idk if anyone will read this but as an average player I just don't use her because when I get pulled up on by a team of sweats I have no chance when using her and less with my two teammate randoms who are below level 200. Ohh and the sweats are usually top tier legends…. wraith, path, bang, ocatanes( these past seasons) rarely a watty

  2. In my opinion Wattson needs a buff to her fences, they are really underwhelming and most of the times you are not going to hit them against more than 3 enemies, it would be great if respawn increases the amount of fences at once from 4 to 6, and increasing the health of them, since they are so easy to see and avoid. I am totally being unbiased, hope respawn developers notice that if a character has a high win rate but low pick rate, it is not because they are good, is because they are so bad that new players refuse to use that legend.

    Edit: She also needs some kind buff to any of her abilities to make her fun for new players to use her, even though that would most likely guarantee nerf to her small hitbox, just as wraith's and lifeline's.

  3. Me who is an wattson main since season 5. I am absolutely upset about this major buff which was absolutely unnecessary in my opinion. I always considered wattson as an strong legend and have had my hopes up for her Heirloom in this season but I am honestly so done rn. This season really made me not wanna play her anymore, I love her but it no fucking fun. And hearing that she will eventually get an nerf is upsetting.

  4. this daniel dude should get fired or something. That's the guy that said Mirage can be played high rank-comp. I've never read such dumb tweets in my life. Man is absolutely lost in time and place

  5. I wonder if it’s actually ONLY the winrate or that they also look at pick rate. If 1000000 people (including all the bots) play wraith and only 1000 very hardcore people play wattson, then the winrate is easily explained away… Dedicated Wattson mains are complaining that she actually sucks, it has NOTHING to do with her not being fun… She just objectively sucks…

  6. Watson fences Should reverse your control s for 10 seconds and the Sheild charger should charge only Watson Sheild twice as fast rest of your team normal speed

  7. imagine some designer at Subaru going "Nae Collin, the gear shift is fine it doesn't need modification for rally driving, i know cus i professionally design cars"

  8. Apex Rank is equivalent to Halo 3 Rank it was literally impossible to reach Rank 50 , so many fxxken black screens … Good Bye Apex it was nice while it lasted now to move on to the next game ( Hopefully the new Halo is Any Good )🤞🏼

  9. As a wattson main j can defiantly feel where he's coming from when saying she isn't the strongest legend, I sometimes find my self realizing wattson isn't a good unit to play when I cant do anything offensive to enemy teams but only place down my ultimate which sometimes is useful but really not the redeeming point of wattson and is why I regularly switch to valk since she can do something for the team to benefit us together, I play wattson more of a sonar character, even tho people can destroy my fences easily I can use that as an advantage to tell if people are over where my fences are, but very much yes wattson may not be the best legend, but she certainly isn't the worst of them all but just not fun to keep playing as if you keep dying every game cause wattson can't hold her weight against fights alone, but in the end I don't care if she isn't fun to play I just love her personality and cheerful attitude which really makes you keep going in the game even if you was dealing with some bullshit during the game

  10. Wattson's ulti is so good though?? It literally gets rid of any other ultimate that uses projectiles and explosives. Poor baby Wattson isn't appreciated enough ;; and she's tons of fun to play as.

  11. a game this big and this popular shouldnt have just one guy banning cheaters and im not a game developer but i do see other games not having these problems so they can be fixed it just costs more money than they are willing to spend


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