Is This The Most Broken Ability in League of Legends History?

When League of Legends newest champion, Akshan, was announced on July 7th, the community erupted about him having what looks like the most broken ability in years.

It’s supposed to be a normal ability – but it’s really not. In fact, this one move might be completely busted, possibly making Akshan the most broken champion League has ever seen — and people are pissed.

Written & Hosted by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)
Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
Thumbnail by: Bennett Grainger
Produced by: Keith Capstick (@KeithCapstick) & Devin Jones (@milkshks)

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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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49 thoughts on “Is This The Most Broken Ability in League of Legends History?”

  1. They could change it to a temp revive like Sion's if they want to keep the revive that much, but a full revive with no drawbacks is too damn nutty op. Even Aatrox's self revive ult was removed months after his rework because it was too op. Imagine an entire team reviving after a close teamfight.

  2. what a fucking joke riot release, the rest of his kit is kinda meh, but his w is super broken and I can see and experienced how broken it is, especially at late game when the death timer is close to 1 minute, with prolong team fight, turning the fight upside down and do objective is super easy, trading teammate is about to be a new trend. You may not see it in lower elo, but in the professional stage, everything is being min max, anything can be exploit to get the win. This is one of the exploitable. like I said above, akshan himself is not a strong champ, but his w is very impactful in a way that it affect the balance of the macro game the way leagues has always trying to keep, this is just too far. This is not some ability that has OP damage, this is tampering with the core mechanic of the game, thats why its so different from other previous champ.

  3. We obviously need progression and new ideas in games like league but i can see a prpblem in terms of watchability arising if it isn‘t already here. I played league extensively throughout the years and also play WoW PvP witz some friends. WoW pvp has so many different abilities that it makes it awful to watch and nobody really can tell whats going on if you’re a viewer. I used to enjoy watching League because i understood what happened the game deciding abilities were well visible and it was easy to understand what the champs did who follow up. Nowadays Let‘s take kai‘sa for an example, she jumps onto someone and then the person melts away and the only visible aspects of the one-shot were some laser poops and a stacking thing below the champ that you can‘t see in a teamfight anyway and kai‘sa is probably a minor offender of the 200 year meme. Too many complicated or badly visible abilities ruin the viewer experience. In my opinion it will hurt league more in the long run than it will help them

  4. i also like how lvl 1 he outrades bruisers like aatrox riven even after they hit their stun. its setts passive on steroids. your dps is higher than the average champ and you get a fair ass barrier

  5. You it sounds OP but the enemy team has someone one shot you then isn't OP… so is Actually is balance between but hi…or after big fight recall and start over again. Honestly I see 99% ban on this character character

  6. Y'know what, the game is improving. but I think the LoL gonna die because of what? smurf, boosted account, and Toxicity. nevertheless, Akshan is not completely broken. I mean if you are carried Irelia kills Camille but the Akshan complete 0/0 want to sneak you can still have an advantage. it's not like Lillia passive burning you 3 seconds. and If Akshan gonna be nerfed it's prolly the cooldown passive W. nothing too strong

  7. Riot Games makes money off OP champions and the controversy they cause. People race to buy the next broken character, they make tons of money every time this stunt is pulled. Then they say, "Oops! We didn't mean to do that!" After they're satisfied with the little surge of income. It's a setup. They're crooks. Think about it, this keeps happening? Over and over? With each new Character. I think I see a pattern.

  8. When twisted fate was able to teleport anywhere on the map lvl 1 (it was a skill, before his ult) place a ward and his whole team teleports to it. (Enemy wasnt able to see the teleport back than.) Insta gank lvl 1.


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