It had signs of a roach infestation… PS5 HDMI Port repair #short

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opened ot up, and it smelled like roaches. digged deeper. found non. repaired hdmi and off it goes…


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signs of a roach infestation… PS5 HDMI Port repair.

Check it out also:
How to Identify a Roach infestation on a PlayStation Or Xbox???

Dirty, Signs of Roaches. (PlayStation)

DO NOT send us any roach infested consoles.


10 thoughts on “It had signs of a roach infestation… PS5 HDMI Port repair #short”

  1. Nice that you only had to deal with the smell. But still, the smell is almost as bad as urine boards. Looking forward to the data recovery in the next surface update, mainly since I refuse to touch data.

  2. Can you show how to clean the Xbox series x and ps5 because my dad got me the Xbox series x and my brother the ps5 and we want to know how to clean it if it gets dusty

  3. How tha fuck are people damaging ports like this?! And how were you even able to damage your ps5 this quick. Just handle your shit with care and this won't happen, ever. Won't even mention the roaches….

  4. I breed roaches as a side job regular customer pays about 1000 a week good money in but where I live it's way to hot for them to survive dubia roachs


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