Jayce asked the council to remove Heimerdinger | Arcane – League of Legends

This is from Riot Games Netflix Animation Series “Arcane”.

Amid the stark discord of twin cities Piltover and Zaun, two sisters fight on rival sides of a war between magic technologies and clashing convictions.

I own none of the content shown in the video.
All video and audio is owned by Netflix.


24 thoughts on “Jayce asked the council to remove Heimerdinger | Arcane – League of Legends”

  1. There`s this 2021 movie about a guy that always delays his responsibilities into the future and never takes action immediately.
    This is until one day a witch bewitches him so from then on every 2 min of his life 10 years pass. The conclusion of the movie was that the guy finally figures out that constantly postponing stuff makes him loose out on the essential stuff that makes life worth living.

    Theres a lot of similarities in this to Heimerdinger. He has more time than others so he doesnt value the moment and postpones all his duties into uncertain future.
    In that regard I think this scene is so powerful, I really hope that Heimer can still have something like an redemption arc, where he realizes the time for Piltover, the city he helped creating, might soon run out and hence goes to take immediate reaction to safe his city or something.

  2. Heimer was right. A catastrophe in act 3 is bound to happen. At least no one will be able to blame him again. Besides, its funny how everyone is quick to blame Heimer for the crime in Zaun but nobody points out how he has as much as a voice as any other councilmember.

  3. People keep bringing up heimer hasnt done anything for the undercity. But heimer works slowly. For starters he built piltover thats why hes the founding father and he took in viktor who was from the lanes and he even comforts viktor their relationship is really amazing because heimer mentions time and time again he remembers his old friends because he is immortal and humans are not. Also its not because of heimer that there is a divide between piltover and zaun its because of humans including those on the council that the divide exists.

  4. Srsly people defend Jayce here? Its exactly the same situation we have in real live. Tons of failed/not polished experiments just constantly making our lives worst, because no one thought it through

  5. Pls someone kindly explain on why heim is at fault for where zaun came to be, what exactly happened what did heim do to separate the two what the fuck exactly happened to zaun

  6. Heim is so blinded by time. To Jayce, piltover needed to be great NOW and it is worth the risk. Because Victor is his friend. And he wants to save his friend.


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