Journos CRY About Misogyny In Cyberpunk 2077 | "The Most Aggressively Masculine Game Ever"

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“The Most Aggressively Masculine Game Ever”

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35 thoughts on “Journos CRY About Misogyny In Cyberpunk 2077 | "The Most Aggressively Masculine Game Ever"”

  1. These lunatics will never be happy. Not with games, not with movies, not with comics, and most certainly, not with their miserable lives. They make a job out of creating a shitstorm in a glass of water because that's all they can hope to get attention for, and the system itself is rigged to reward their petty whining. That's what you get when the media itself is structured around clickbait, instead of conveying reliable information with the intent of informing an audience, rather than lecturing it. That's mainstream media, in a nutshell.

    Btw, I'm a guy and I always chose a female character if the option is available. Funny how this clown just forces everyone into the same mindset just to erect a massive strawman to beat. Intellectually dishonest people like this just can't be taken seriously.

  2. CDPR is fixing the bugs in the game so it's time to call out the -ist, -ism, and -phobe angle. in other words, back to business as usual. It's almost like they're following a script.

  3. Pissing off twitter is a marketing stratagy sheild hero surged and got 2 new seasons aproved it pissed off twitter Uzaki chan got 2 nd season and massive numbers and now the dark ecchi re-do healer is really ticking them off it's being done on purpouse western media has become a cancer to the world put these slacktivists on blast.

  4. Actually, you're right and I'm totally disagree with journalist article, cause not all players will going choose male to play their games on their own way, yet once get a great feature such as Gender choice we like to try both of them and build our creations. 😊

  5. The fact that anything sexual is terrible and disgusting in this generation it would make sense that in 2077 it would be a future that's very sexualized. Sexual oppression leads to a future like 2077 is actually realistic .

  6. 4 playthroughs, all femV simply because of Cherami Leigh's kickass performance, plus FemV is my headcanon.
    Also, VG247… died when Dave Cook left. This writer clearly doesn't get what a dystopian future is.

  7. Being someone who lived through 1997, I can tell you people were probably MORE accepting of women (and everyone else) back then than the polarizing identity politics of the 2020s. This is just another moronic feminist.

  8. "She's scared around big, tough men"…uh…isn't that the point? To show that Adam Smasher is a violent, sexist asshole with no redeeming features?
    I really don't get it. These SJWs always complain about the patriarchy and men being horrible, and then when a villain is actually portrayed as they claim toxic men to be they complain they act that way? Do these people even understand the concept of "villain"? It reminds me of how they complained about the movie "Joker". It's a FREAKING VILLAIN. OF COURSE he's villainous.
    How should they have portrayed it? As a gentle soul? Then he wouldn't have been a villain anymore.
    Maybe they wanted Evelyn to not be impressed by a 3 meters cyborg and a yakuza boss? While Jackie, that is twice her size, was crapping his pants? Now I get why all SJW-written stories have Mary Sue protagonists. If that's their idea of how women should be portrayed, as invincible superheroines that fear nothing and are intimitated by nobody, they have the writing mindset of a 5 years old child.

  9. reminds me of the Resident Evil clusterfuck, where it's good that there's a female lead in the game, but misogyny that she can get hurt, and sexualizing the character when she makes a sound when she gets hit

  10. To quote Daniel Vavra of Warhorse Studio:
    "And they will never be happy.
    If women in your game look good, you are a sexist, if they look bad, you are a sexist, if you can fight with them, you are misogynistic, if you can't fight wit them, you are using them as objects, if you don't have any women, because there is no correct way how to have them, you are misogynistic.
    It's a witch hunt.."

  11. I'm happy to see that the majority of the comments below the article called her out on this ridiculous piece. They mostly pointed out that this is a dystopian future, and not something that should be aspired to. And the reason women are treated the way they are in the game is because their bodies have become a disposable commodity. That's kinda the whole point of the story with Evelyn, and in the larger theme of the game world. That's why there are so many ads involving sex.

  12. pretty sure men were also getting mutilated and If i remember correctly in the first mission after meeting jackie you are sent to rescue a woman who was being "harvested" for her organs and when you find her there just happens to be a male body in the ice bath as well.

  13. Do these people know what the word "fun" means?
    I don't take this serious anymore. I come to these videos to have a good laugh on the explanation that they give each time they want to cry because their butt hurts of sitting in the same "Wonderland" chair where everything is like Teletubbies. So basically, when they see "Cyberpunk" they be like: " Grrrrr! Journalist BE angry! ooga booga!"


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