KAEYA SOLO ABYSS HERALD – Purification Of Darkness! – Genshin Impact

My first try Vs the Abyss Herald. A really fun enemy to fight against.


21 thoughts on “KAEYA SOLO ABYSS HERALD – Purification Of Darkness! – Genshin Impact”

  1. The "boss fight" was so easy it's not even funny… I stacked food and potion buffs onto my Kaeya because I was scared but he destroyed that mf in less than two minutes 🧍‍♀️I had a harder time traversing through the bubble pit than fighting him, this is sacrilege

  2. As expected. It makes sense considering who Kaeya might really be (and they even asked the player to bring a Cryo in the ruins)… The moment you slowed down showing Kaeya's ult countering the Abyss Herald's hydro blade could fit right in canon!

  3. Mona said in her voice over about kaeya, that in the future kaeya will have major decision to make… so will he choose his homeland khaenriah, or his new home mondstadt :")
    Seeing this it's like he choose mond AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  4. You inspire me a lot to be a future Kaeya main. He's also one of my favourite characters and I have been building on him since a few weeks now. He's almost lvl. 80 now, and maybe lvl. 90 too one day, and I'm using the black sword on him because I don't have the jade cutter unfortunately.
    The only thing left now is to build on his talents more + better artifacts (I don't have enough crit rate and dmg😭) because my luck hasn't been the best lately lol
    Would you recommend a 4 piece glad like yours? Because I'm currently using 2 piece bloodstained, 2 piece glad and cryo dmg bonus on goblet but I don't know if that's good enough or not

  5. I really wanna build my Kaeya because he’ll be one of my Mains in Abyss. But I don’t have any good weapons. The only 4 star sword I have is Prototype Rancour.

    I think I’m eternally doomed to never finish the abyss haha.


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