Kid Fakes REPORT CARD for FORTNITE after Mom Takes Away for Bad Grades.

Liam Needs A+ Grades to get a PlayStation. He won’t show the report card to mom and ends up faking his report card for the PS5. His friend says he should cheat, but he does the responsible thing and studies harder.

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30 thoughts on “Kid Fakes REPORT CARD for FORTNITE after Mom Takes Away for Bad Grades.”

  1. bro anyone else notice that this was chapter 1 season 5 of fortnite and now we are in chapter 2 season 1 and he isn't using his mouse at all and only his keyboard this editing and video stuff for the fortnite gameplay aspect is just terrible tbh!

  2. Liam should be studying hard to get his Playstation Fortnite game. Mum should be reasonable, taking away the computer will make things tense. All work and no play does make him dreary and depressed!!!


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