Kill the Captain 120 Times Per Hour! Best Legendary Farm Method in Outriders!

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This is the best farming method in Outriders right now, it will bag you the most Legendary drops easily.

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27 thoughts on “Kill the Captain 120 Times Per Hour! Best Legendary Farm Method in Outriders!”

  1. By far an away fastest farm I’ve found. Trickster with Temporal Blade and Twisted Rounds. I use Auto Shotgun. Run up. Pop the bubble, use temporal blade, activate twisted rounds and melt with auto shotgun. Immediate. Also have mod that weakens enemies in the bubble. Also one that gives add’l damage for temporal blade.

  2. You should be taking out all enemies but one so that you don’t lose world tier. Let the last one take you out. Yeah, it prolongs the runs a bit, but better than having to regrind up to tier 5 for the better drops

  3. I get a captain run every 40-45 seconds. Twisted rounds refill your mag, so I generally warp in, bubble, then unload an auto-shottie to 1 or 2 shells, cast twisted and kill him. Usually the snipers are just up the hill, and I have enough ammo so I kill them, head up the hill and reload, then mess up the breachers that are usually stacked just down the hill.

  4. No lie with Devastator I got it down to 20 seconds. I use the auto reflector so he's constantly is taking damage while I shot him. Make sure you put on auto pick with legendary items so if you die it picks up the item.

  5. Either the in-game guide is wrong, or the icons are switched/poorly chosen. In game guide puts Vulnerable (eye symbol) as increasing damage received, while Weakness (broken heart symbol) is reducing damage dealt.

    Personally, I think it's the latter, and the icons are meant to be switched around.

  6. I figure this would be a good place to leave this, while I'm here early.

    People aren't understanding the world tier bonuses correctly. Almost everybody I've talked to about it, including myself when I first saw it, says that we have a 25% bonus chance for legendaries. Some even said that we only have 25% of the base chance of getting a legendary.

    These two interpretations are both wrong, the latter being easier to dismiss thanks to the personal experience of getting a legendary at WT3, which should have a 0% chance according to the "25% of base" school of thought. The former, however, can only be dismissed through careful rumination on the exact language the developers used.

    The precise wording used to describe the benefits of world tier 5 (in regards to specifically legendaries) is "Legendary drop rate modifier bonus: +25%". Those two words, "modifier" and "bonus" are what really clue us in to the intended meaning. This isn't the sole bonus to legendary drop rates, but rather a secondary bonus to add on top of the primary bonus.

    Which is right there next to it, "Loot rarity modifier". Legendary items are still loot, this bonus should still apply to them. It's just that the "Legendary drop rate modifier bonus" is added onto the already existing multiplier. <Base legendary drop rate> * (<Loot rarity modifier> + <LDRMB>) = <Modified legendary drop rate>

    So, to apply this to the thing that people care about, getting legendary items, let's assume that the drop rate of a legendary at base is 1%. 1% * (1.4+0.25) = 1.65% at WT5

    Now, to bring it back to why I felt it was so important to mention this. Some people have been concerned about farming legendaries and how long it would take to find one, and you have to consider that at WT15, for that same 1% base drop rate, it would be 8% chance of dropping a legendary, just under 5x more likely, which would cut the time between legendaries down to a 5th of what it currently is. So oranges will be dropping like candy, compared to now.


    TL;DR – Legendary drop rates are at 165% of base for WT5, and will be at 800% of base for WT15. You can expect 5 legendaries to drop in the same farm at the same pace in WT15 as it would be in WT5.

  7. You're doing all of this farming when it's going to be obsolete an hour into playing the full game.
    Mods are different tiers and the higher the world tier the better drops will be.


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