League of Legends but riot reworked teleport and stealth buffed this champ?

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Riot reworked teleport on the PBE so now it’s time for the great eggscape.

#Rossboomsocks #Anivia #lolpbe


38 thoughts on “League of Legends but riot reworked teleport and stealth buffed this champ?”

  1. u kno milk and bread usually last 1-2 weeks longer than that date right? Bread is fine as long as there is no visible mold and milk is fine until it taste or smells soured.

  2. To be fair, with the "Nerf" teleport, the turrets and drake gold shared for the whole team when you are late and some other stuff, I feel like riot is trying to go back to the 5 years ago meta.

    Kinda like "we changed the game a lot for it to be fast dynamic and spectacular, but now we want it back to its original state"

  3. Rammus but he heals by you hitting him because you haven't done it in season 11 or 12 yet Day 81
    Riftmaker, thornmail, death's dance, spirit visage is the core build, for last item you can go ravenous for more healing or another tank item for well..tankiness
    Normal Rammus runes work but for maximum healing go Conqueror, triumph, bloodline, last stand, second wind, revitalize

  4. League of Legends but you don't like Summoners Rift so your entire team can create terrain features.
    Top: Ornn, Trundle, Yorick, or J4
    Jungle: Taliyah, J4, or Ivern
    Mid: Anivia, Taliyah or Azir
    Bottom: Anivia or Azir
    Support: Trundle or Anivia

  5. Ross why is your bread going off in 3 days? And if it does go off as in stale, soak it with water and then rebake it, if it's going mouldy then leave it in somewhere dry and in sun light to stop mould growing to start with. The thing with bread is it very specifically doesn't go off in only 3 days, that's why entire civilizations were able to rise, because bread was able to sustain them cheaply and over long periods. I mean croutons are literally old bread that has gone hard

  6. League of legends but your team actually heals in team fights because everyone has a moonstone – day 274

    Edit- with Crown of the shattered Queen and other anti-burst items for survivability


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