League of Legends but this might be the most annoying support build ever created

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This build ruined my life so I stole it to ruin other peoples lives. With Glacial Augment and Evenshroud Trundle’s pillar is devastate teamfights.

#RossBoomsocks #Season12 #Trundle


28 thoughts on “League of Legends but this might be the most annoying support build ever created”

  1. Day 5 of ‘farming is for poor people’ Azir. Someone plays Azir while the other four play whoever they want, they just have to each take an execute support item and lane with Azir and farm for him. This will be a dumpster fire, and I would love to see it

  2. Day 9. Me and my friends do what we call "GANK HELL" where we have lillia hecarim bot, singed top rammus jgn and quinn mid. Basically everyone should be roaming the map getting vision and kicking ass. We also have a rule where everyone has to have some sort of speed runes like phase rush or predator aswell as ghost. boots must be merc treads, swiftys or mobis.

    Another wacky thing we do is cho funnel. Everyone goes a support of some kind except forone chogath top or mid(the cho should go full tank and rush spirit visage). example team is ivern jng lulu top, cho mid, soraka support and taric adc. We find lulu + taric ult to be rediculously good and soraka can remove anti healing. Ypur win con is getting cho so big that you can ignore towers and end baron or not. BAN VANE AND FIORA THEY WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. glhf.


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