[League of Legends] I Got My First Ever Penta Kill! (8 Years Later)

I’m a support main in silver elo, so don’t act so shocked, and just let me be happy for myself. I know it’s not even a good one.
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33 thoughts on “[League of Legends] I Got My First Ever Penta Kill! (8 Years Later)”

  1. Niiice. Only recently found this channel returning to BDO for the Seasons events, didn't know you were a League player too. Hype for the penta! Now I have to keep an eye out in my games on the off chance I end up in a queue with you 😛

  2. Hey im Pyke main 500k+ just wanted to tell ya the build which i always go for cuz its most comfy out of all i tried (speaking of late game and as bot lane not mid/top) 1st – Pauldrons (late game change to Frozen Mallet – gives most dmg out of all items cuz Pyke's passive and slows enemies MOVMENT speed with basics which playes alot of the part in this build) 2nd – Duskblade (go in with W to slow MOVMENT speed with first basic attack Q them to the side u want while slowed from Dusk and E back "ik u know how to play i just say") 3rd – Yoummu (buffs the hell out of ur MOVMENT speed with W and the Items passive its self has passive out of combat MOVMENT speed and the items it's self can be used for more MOVMENTspeed)) 4th – Sanguine (cuz u need lota ATTACK speed in this build since it works this way) 5th – Trinity Force / Black Cleaver (if they are Squishy go Trinity cuz it buffs the first basic and gives alot of attack speed as other good stats or Black Cleaver cuz it applies armor debuff and helps your Allies "both items give MOVMENT speed on basic attacks) 6th – Boots (Mobility preferd but others are fine as well if it works against enemy can also be changed for Guardian Angel or Frozen Heart if things get out of control). Sorry to write such big comment but i had to idk why afk riding aint fun and yeh u can check the build out and see it ur slef also forgot to say this build bursts towers down so there have been many games where enmy just let me push until inhib cuz hey hes Pyke he aint gona push. mostly my engame build would be Dusk-Youmuu-Sanguine-Trinity-Frozen-Mallet-??? /// As for runes cuz Riot nerfed Pyke to have less armor / magic resist per lvl i have to go with Aftershock since u die realy reaaaly fast early/late game and domination for faster ult CD. Sorry to take ur time and keep it safe enjoy ur gamesi just give advice as Supp- Pyke since i dont like anymore top- mid Pyke cuz many reasons one of which is 1 mistake 1 death :3 Also i dont like Umbral Glave and ik its op item but im just me.


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