380% Spell vamp Aatrox – League of Legends

380% Spell vamp Aatrox – League of Legends Music: Aatrox the darkin blade login screen I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games.


26 thoughts on “380% Spell vamp Aatrox – League of Legends”

  1. Imagine a new league player seeing Aatrox lore thinking "oh boy, a super devil world ender demon lord vampire giant bat? I'm sure he'll be a great character" and in his first game fights a Fiora or Irelia top. Pain

  2. If you liked this video and want to know about Aatrox's matchups here's a quick note
    Easy- Sion, Mundo, Singed, Kayle, Maokai, Ornn, ChoGath, Yorick
    Aatrox Sided- Urgot(easy matchup until 2 items at that point you can't damage him)Mordekaiser (but if you juke one q and take one non crit q you will never lose as Morde), Darius (until lvl 6, you just die after here if he's not turbo bad) and then every other tank, Kled.
    Skill Matchup – Sett (should be an aatrox sided matchup but retarded as fuck in lane, wait for lvl 7), Darius, Jax (Aatrox sided but it's really easy for jax to fuck you over), Garen ( If he has ignite you will never win but tp is easy), Shen (same situation as sett), Illaoi, Renekton, Gnar, Tryndamere (idk about trynd)
    Aatrox loses- Gangplank (insanely strong prelevel6, wait for lvl 7), Camille, Pantheon, Darius (really dependent on how good you both are), Ranged Tops, Wukong (everyone gets oneshot at lvl 6 by monke), Jayce, Riven, Akali, Yone, Yasuo.
    Dodge tier- Fiora, Irelia, Riven (if onetrick), Akali(if she has one braincell). These champs don't need to be good to beat you since they do everything better than you or just too quick to be hit.
    Mage matchups are aatrox favored btw


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