Let's Play Outriders PS5 Demo – DON'T ENOCH IT UNTIL YOU'VE TRIED IT!

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Outriders gameplay has been delayed quite a few times since its announcement at E3 2019 but it looks like the game is finally on track for release as a brand new demo has just launched across most online stores. Join Aoife Wilson and Ian Higton as they co-op their way through the Outriders PS5 demo gameplay in today’s live stream!

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37 thoughts on “Let's Play Outriders PS5 Demo – DON'T ENOCH IT UNTIL YOU'VE TRIED IT!”

  1. so, outriders isn't what we were hoping. There is a similar game I can 100% recommend: Remnant from the ashes.

    Not a lot of story, a whole lot of different enemies, gear, and encounters, a soulslike with guns and abilities with satisfying progress and a solid power fantasy. It will be free soon on playstation, it used to be on gamepass, it was free in august on epic.

  2. And people can fly and square enix seriously put the anthem logo I'm one of the aesthetics for character creation which means they knew a while ago the anthem was going to fail which really pisses me off to know that thinking that biore must have thought that this game was going to be so great that they canceled anthem hoping it would take that this game would take our minds off of that just sickens me to think of everything that's happening in the game industry right now yeah very underwhelmed from this game will not pre-order probably will wait for it to be on sale very very cheaply

  3. "Hold (ロ) to skip" – The Game

    Sometimes I wonder how games like this aren't stopped earlier in development.
    It doesn't even have some retro vibe or anything to set it apart from, I don't know, Generic Shooter 2012.
    Even if it's only one guy funding and deciding everything, there's got to be a limit to what you can release.

    If there's one positive thing I can draw from watching you guys play/watch this, I guess it's that I won't have to do it.

  4. This video is just them hating on a demo it's a demo to me at least it isn't like all the other games we've had for the past 10 years give me money and wait and find out or devs that don't care about there community destiny, division, anthem ect.

  5. Some really squandered potential here I think. Some interesting concepts, but it feels like the devs were trying way to hard to chase the "dark and gritty realism" trend rather than allowing the game to have its own identity.

  6. This game demo is a generic Sci-Fi disaster with shit voice acting and even shittier story telling. It goes to show how much team Eurogamer is loved that so many people were willing to sit through the entire thing. 🖤

  7. Someone should have told these guys (10 years ago!) that a plethora of cut scenes does not make role playing game. The acting is stiff and you are offered few if any conversation points. Its all been done (as Aoife observed) before so many times and better. Thanks guys for suffering through this. Definitely saving my money and going back to play another run of Cyberpunk 2077 instead.

  8. That was what? 40 mins of cutscenes right from the get go? Complete with stupid and unnecessary British-accented villain with vague and evil motivations, against all-American howdy-doodle space cowboy heroes? Blech.

  9. I thought you guys were being a little harsh at first but after the time skip where everything turned beige and the powers turned out to not be very interesting, well we were in agreement.


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