Lithic Spear Xiao & Zhongli Testing R1 to R5 First Impressions | Genshin Impact

0:00 – Intro
1:04 – R3 Blackcliff vs R1 Lithic (Xiao)
5:27 – Can you Run Bennet with Lithic (Xiao)
7:18 – Which would I Choose?
7:52 – Zhongli Blackcliff R3
8:59 – Zhongli Lithic R1
10:26 – Teams & Issues Lithic (Abyss Floor 12)
14:15 – R5 Lithic Spear
15:10 – Zhongli R5
16:38 – Xiao R5
18:13 – Flexlord 9000
18:51 – R5 Lithic Vs 5 Star Weapons
20:13 – Xiangling

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34 thoughts on “Lithic Spear Xiao & Zhongli Testing R1 to R5 First Impressions | Genshin Impact”

  1. Stayed 24+ Hours to make this see you in a day or so =)


    0:00​ – Intro

    1:04​ – R3 Blackcliff vs R1 Lithic (Xiao)

    5:27​ – Can you Run Bennet with Lithic (Xiao)

    7:18​ – Which would I Choose?

    7:52​ – Zhongli Blackcliff R3

    8:59​ – Zhongli Lithic R1

    10:26​ – Teams & Issues Lithic (Abyss Floor 12)

    14:15​ – R5 Lithic Spear

    15:10​ – Zhongli R5

    16:38​ – Xiao R5

    18:13​ – Flexlord 9000

    18:51​ – R5 Lithic Vs 5 Star Weapons

    20:13​ – Xiangling

  2. that ore is very useful for casual players who can't play everday thou. I'll use my resins that I can't use for them so I don't have to torture myself the whole day thinking of the resin that I'm wasting every minute I'm not playing lol.

  3. Your luck isn't trash/dog-shit. Your crit rate is 😉

    As far as artifact stats go when using Blackcliff versus Lithic, I'd say it works out about equally once you have a high refine lithic (but good luck with that, if you aren't whale). The one has crit damage, the other will provide crit chance. So basically, equivalent crit stats if you swap your circlet. But, of course, that does also mean the limited team composition options with the Lithic.

    Another silly option for "healing" in that geo-reso team would be to use Prototype Amber on Ningguang. With Zhongli's shield, you shouldn't need much healing. And it would also mean you could use Ningguang's skill for energy regen for Xiao. Though, obviously, you'd be trashing Ning's damage.

    Overall, I get the feeling the lithics are not going to be great, long run. The polearm is already a bit of a whale weapon, since most polearm users are five star (and the one that isn't is Mondstadt, as will most likely be the case with Rosaria), and limited banner five stars at that, and it is a weapon that wants some refining to open up team building options somewhat, yet looks to be hard to get those refines without investing heavily in the weapon banner(s). The claymore situation is more FtP friendly, since there are lots of four star claymore character options. This means accessible to more people, and even if you aren't using it on your main focus type characters (like a five star is likely to be), you can use it on a secondary character, one you just fiddle around with from time to time. But overall, limited team building options is going to be an issue. And even long run, it'll stay that way. Right now, characters are divided between two cities. Soon it'll be three. Basically, it'll be a long time before we have access to a lot of options, and in that time, the quantity of other team building options, the opportunity cost, we're giving up to focus on this weapon will increase. But they'll still be fun. However, given that, they definitely need to be accessible at a high refine to non-whales.


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