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0:00 0:35 Intro
0:35 2:36 5FPS
2:36 6:30 30FPS
6:30 9:30 120FPS
9:32 9:53 GLYTCH


43 thoughts on “LOW FPS VS HIGH FPS Apex Legends”

  1. I know you didnt ask for requests just a idea for a video I havent seen on youtube.I am sure you still have your old xbox laying around would love to see how you fare on that with your pc friends in a squad on those high level pc lobbies cause me and all my friends get whipped on console in pc lobbies so would just like some confirmation on how bad we suck.O ye great vid btw

  2. Does the 30 fps makes u laggy for others? i wonder so many laggers lately and believe me i played with 140 ping for a long period and never been like that.

  3. B ro if you're wondering I play on xbox and my pc is shittier than potato and I can't even run the game due to my old cpu and if I could I would get 10 fps with 4 ram so don't complain that you can't play cause there is people outside that don't have the opportunities like you


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