Mages: The Most Item Dependent Class In The Game | League of Legends

Second to last episode of the class series! This time we’re gonna talk about the Mage classes: Artillery, Battle and Burst. For today I want to discuss why mages are the most item dependent class in the game, for better or worse.

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30 thoughts on “Mages: The Most Item Dependent Class In The Game | League of Legends”

  1. First of all, I think that mages really have only 3 items, sometimes only two because to be fair, everfrost is usually built only by anivia, lissandra, ahri, TF and maybe asol, on others it's optional but you usually have only 2 options, luden's or liandry's. Sure, you could maybe build tear and go for nightharvester on some burst mages, but is it really worth it? Other items after that are really limited as well. The only items that are really built after your mythic are zhonya for defense, I don't really see a banshee's all that much, rabadon's and horizon's for damage, void for pen and morello for healing cut and seraphs if you went for a tear while ad champs have much better items and options. I don't know, I feel like mages cannot exist, because so many champions like viego, lee sin and sett have infinite sustain + have no mana and on the other hand you have mages, that need mana for literally everything and will run out of it quite quickly if you dont have a tear or a lost chapter and trading with those bruisers is sometimes pointless unless you know you can kill them. Also, if you die once against an assasin or a bruiser and lose a big wave, you are literally a piece of meat for everyone on the enemy team. There are exepctions like Vladimir, but then again he has sustain and no mana sooo I don't know. I am a bit salty because this meta has been so hard for mages and as a mage player myself it's really frustrating that I can do somewhat well in a game but still get pooped on just because they are playing a bruiser and I am not.

  2. I tried really hard to tell my girlfriend not to play lux mid or sup anymore but she just wont because lux is cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute~~~ and fun to play into assassins and bruisers

  3. Seraphine is my girl!! Its funny to see people flame every time I go Mid Sera then get quiet when I carry and easily top damage during team fights 🤩

  4. 2:00 I'd argue that only Xerath, Ziggs, and Lux are true artillery mages as their ultimate actually kill you from more than one screen away. Vel'koz also fits the title because his Q CAN reach farther than one screen away, but even at max range (when the Q is shot at 45°), it's still just barely over a screen away. As a Xerath OTP, Vel' main, Lux, and Ziggs player, if I was to compare the mages to military weapons, Xerath is the Heavy Artillery, Ziggs is the Nuke, Lux is the Warthog, and Vel'koz is the Sniper. Xerath and Ziggs are self-explanatory, Lux because you can hear/see it coming but even if you'll most likely die, you have a fraction of a second to survive and Vel' Q can snipe through minions and/or unexpected places.

  5. but mages dont need to fight anyone on the early game just wave clear and poke, i think the problem is people want to fight not just have an excelent farm an out scale the enemy just because they choose ap

  6. I used to play Brand as a brust mage main. My theory was, if anyone comes close to me I one shot them with a full combo. Why? I have no mobility and my stun is situational at best. When I have 4 damaging abilities and a passive that does a large % max health you'd think that I can kill a lot of champs exept tanks in 1 combo + ignite right? Wrong, a lot of them kill me and leave with 10-20% hp and thats without triumph healing. I got sick and tired of playing a class thats supposed to be a glass cannon but the shells are hollow.
    Assassin's can do everything a burst mage can with 2 dashes and a blink. Nowadays, every champ has atleast one dash or high mobility effect in their kit, making burst mages obsolete because they have cruical skillshots for their effective playstyle. if you try and hold your stun/slow to hit it, they're going to be too close anyways so its irrelevant at that point.

  7. I am a zed player, and saw your videos, judging by the way you introduced me to the classes I think that zed is a burst mage more then he is a slayer or an assassin, if you watch zed99 playing, he most plays like a burst mage.

  8. Ad champs build what's most op at the time. Mages build what allows them to exist at the time. Build diversity is at an alltime low.

    Choose 1/2 mythics
    if (mana victim) then
    build archangels
    if (dot mage) then
    build Demonic embrace
    Take Sorc boots.
    Buy Zhonyas to get oneshot less
    If (too much healing) then
    build Morello (basically 2/3 games)
    Rabadons and Voidstaff.

    On top of that, aside from mythics, mage items only really have one defining ability now, when they are super reliant on adding utility to their kits. Give a mage 1000ap and nothing else, and he will still get rekt.

  9. This is the the reason I haven't played league in about 8 months now, I play mages primarily and I feel they have no place in the game anymore, anywhere they go they get destroyed.

  10. on the topic of serylda's grudge: "fighters don't build that item, it's for slayers." Every AD toplaner who wants any pen (all of them) want to build this item late game.

  11. I ultimately think that it's unhealthy that the current meta (because of the items situation imo) has effectively removed mages from the midlane. Leaving them nowhere to go but bot lane. Picking a mage into an assassin mid is just asking to make your life harder than it needs to be.

    Assassins are squishy killers with near instant burst and damage spikes but mages have wind-up or set-up to maximize their damage meaning in most trades, unless you get some meaningful poke in prior, you will lose or be forced to disengage.

    And I think it's an issue on the item side. Assassins just get better at killing with items, while mages are trying to come online with theirs.

  12. I may be late to throw this statement, but near 5:30, you were saying that mages Item are designed to scale harder then AD item because mage can get to 1000 AP consistently with rune and items where ad get to 500 AD max. But that's excluding attack speed and ability haste. An AP champion can realistically get to 40% CDR with around 800 AP (luden + gathering storm + cosmic drive + rabadon). But ad get attack speed. most ad at 18 have less then 1 auto/sec without any item. This number, with item, can be upped to 2.5 .So they have 500AD, but they inscreased their Attack speed by 150%, where ap only increase their ability to throw spells up to 40%. so 1000[AP]*1.40(40%)[CDR] = 1400[fighting power], where ad gets to 500[AD]*2.50[attack speed] = 1500 [fighting power]. In my opinion, they have around the same scaling potential when you look at them that way, And I just wanted to throw this thoughts 😉 (no flaming there obviously, this is just my POV of the problem, love your vids btw 😉 )


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