Manaless Champions: Broken or Balanced? | League of Legends

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After making a ton of videos about champion design and mechanics, I received a ton of comments asking me to make a video on Manaless/Resourceless Champions, or champions that use a resource other than mana. So today we’re gonna be discussing: Are Manaless champions broken or fair?

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49 thoughts on “Manaless Champions: Broken or Balanced? | League of Legends”

  1. I believe Riven its balance, even thought she dosent have mana, for two reasons. First, her auto attack needs to be used after an habilities so when cooldowns are down she dosent even have a decent auto attack. The second reason its that roots for Riven are equal to a stun since she cannot use Q nor E, and her W it melee range. As for yone and Yasuo I believe their biggest drowback its that they are melee adcs so they are easily burst down in one CC.

  2. i like the point you brought up about rivens animation cancels. i have to keep hearing people say that riven takes skill to play because of them, but never understanding that riven doesnt need them to be effective. theyre just icing on an already overloaded cake. theyre efficient, and if you can do them, then great you can get more damage, but you dont need them to play her baseline

  3. As much as you make great points in your videos this has all been said to Riot for years. They don't care. As long as money keeps coming in, and Big You tubers buy them keep making videos the game will stay the same. Even with the back lash to Eternals they still have not made it free. I have played the game for a long long time. I played when teemo could shroom the whole map, and many champions had Silence. So you can make all the points you want in the videos, but they will never listen. I mean they removed there forms just so players can't talk to Riot. I would put more time into making videos about other stuff, or do what Ross does and make videos showing how bad players are because at the end your videos are great, but Riot will never listen regardless on how well everything is thought out.

  4. Riven was the first feature creep champion. I keep telling people she's broken, because she can do 3-4 attacks in one animation while you just stand there and get hit but nooo it's completely fine because you have to be skilled to do it. So fucking what? She's still stupid broken, what other champ can do that much shit in one animation

    Like, how the fuck so you have a champ that can animation cancel EVERY SINGLE ABILITY and call it functioning as intended.

  5. Riot logic: Viego can't have mana because he steals other abilities.
    The correct answer was obviously "Viego doesn't use a resource when he steals a champ" if ANYTHING, it should cost him mana/themed resource to steal a body so there's some need to manage that resource. No idea how they thought all that sustain and his E were good ideas. I don't think his E is tame at all; it's his best ability honestly, It exerts way too much free pressure for no risk or cost and makes him way too good at only taking fights on his own terms (See: Akali shroud). When a champion is forced to spend health/mana to attempt to engage but you can freely "opt out" to whittle them down, that's not okay.

    Riven is a big one too; I can't see a practical reason she doesn't use SOME resource. When they tried years ago (EDGE I believe it was called) people kicked up a fuss and they cancelled testing it.

    Yasuo/Yone both need to be way less facerolly based on buying sustain; at least champs like Vlad/Aatrox are themed as "SUSTAIN" (which has had it's own issues) those two are not. There used to be a time when Yasuo has to dodge/Windwall effectively and it was amazing to see (I still hated him but respected the skill), now he and Yone go Conq/shieldbow and facetank unless they get hit with massive burst (oh and he still has the mobility and windwall on top of that).

    Like the video says, it's not about "But X is bad!", it's fundamentally bad design and is probably the reason your champ is bad if that's the case; it has to be because they've cornered themselves.

  6. I think manaless champions are a bad design and hurt the game, but some are ok because they knew these 2 things when they made them, they main problem with leagues game design is that they dont know how to power budget mechanics that they think are "cool".
    a champ having mana can be balanced easily because you have 3 metrics you can change to get the spamming level that you want: total mana, mana regain and mana costs.
    at this point in the game, the only thing that a manaless champion says about the design of a champion is that the designers wanted this champ to be better then other champs so they removed mana.
    most manaless champions, can have mana as a resource and still work the same.

  7. I do wish that there were more fun and interactive non-mana resources to play around. Energy is a great example of a non-mana resource imo, it's not the same as mana but you still need to play around it. Same with Gnar's rage.

  8. I recently picked up Katarina and I have to say she feels like a fine manaless champion design since her whole kit is about setting up those daggers before you just blindly dive in. Without set up she feels almost helpless.

  9. hard dis agree, there is always some form of resource involved in the use of something. the idea that making something with no restrictions is more freedom in game design or gameplay is more of a degeneration from immersion. can you as a person picture swinging a sword an infinite number of times without stopping? the correct answer should be no, followed by the statement that you never should even try to do that because it is a pure disconnect with no inherent value to your mind. even mentioning the notion of making something with no restrictions is more of a band-aid to something else building off a failed idea and then trying to make it more interesting without concern for any real starting point.

  10. I'd argue that the main balancing aspect for Yasuo and Yone spamming of abilites is the fact that they have to play a "bruisery" style to deal damage while resembling and adc stat sheet, which create a situation of high risk – high reward where if they can use their abilities without getting interrupted they succeed, but if they get even cc'd for one second they explode.

    Viego lives and dies by his "soul stealing", without it it's just a glorified auto attack bot.

    Katarina requires resets to do anything, so unless she's very far ahead there's nothing that she can forcibly do alone

    And Riven well… to be honest i don't know about Riven, i mean if she was busted she would be spammed everywhere, but there's must be something that balance her out.

    Point being that, in this video is said that old resource-less champion are balanced that way because their kit is simple which allow them to play only one way really, but if you stop and think about it, all the above mentioned champion can only really be played in one way, the execution is somewhat complicated, but there's only one way that you can realistically play those champ, thus making them "balanced" in their own way.

    But after all that, is this philosophy really healthy for the game and the player base? i'm not sure about this one, playing them is hella fun, but playing against them is absolute cancer…But if there's one thing that i'm sure about, is that i'd easily take a game where everyone is designed like Yasuo, rather than everyone being designed like Malzahar.

  11. As someone who's actually played Yone, I gotta say, I think you overlooked several crucial weaknesses in his kit. If he's ever taken by surprise in a gank, only his ultimate can reliably save him. His E is almost completely useless if you're on the defensive, and even used offensively, it puts him on a strict timer before his damage output stops and his target is home free.

    And honestly, I think comparing his Q to the likes of Renekton and Rengar's empowered abilities is quite appropriate. But you need to meet much more grueling conditions in order to empower that Q. Champions like Renekton and Rengar can activate their empowered abilities practically on-demand, with one rotation of their abilities at most. But Yone and Yasuo's Q? In the laning phase, you need ready access to a minion wave and 10+ seconds of setup time before you can use that empowered Q. That gives you multiple windows of vulnerability against most of the cast long before you're ready to throw out a tornado or go in for a trade.

  12. I'm OTP Shyvana top, and when I see a Yone, I feel like our character doesn't belong to the same game… He plays a hack'n slash character while I need to play like if it was a chess game…

  13. Manaless does you give you an edge over mana champions. I main Rengar, and when I get dropped in the jungle, you can abuse the fact that you consume no mana and your high sustain to keep the tempo on your side, when other champions would have had to recall to refill their mana, or hp for that matter.

  14. As a Yone main, I agree with everything you are saying and I hate you for it, because it reminds me that I’m not actually good at the game, but simply playing an op champ… 😢

  15. yone is THE most OP champ in the game and also THE SAFEST assassin/slayer you can pick… and it's not even close… 0/10 yasuo is a thing… 0/10 Yone? Nope… only 10/0 Yone…


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