MASSIVE CHANGES: NEW BUFFS & NERFS Coming in Patch 11.9 – League of Legends

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0:00​​ Intro
0:22 Skins
0:47Turbo Chemtank
1:09 Deadman’s Plate
1:28 Moonstone Renewer
1:47 Death’s Dance
2:02 Wit’s End
2:24 Sunfire Aegis
2:36 QOTD
3:11 Dr. Mundo
3:35 Rumble
3:52 Garen
4:16 Shen
4:46 Sett
5:09 Hecarim
6:11 Morgana
6:21 Diana
6:39 Gragas
7:01 Kindred
7:24 Trundle
7:43​​ Kayn
8:14 Vladimir
8:37 Heimerdinger
9:01 Xerath
9:46 Jinx
10:00​ Kog’maw
10:29 Taric
11:00​ Lulu
11:19 Conclusion
11:33​ Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.9, Best support 11.9, best mid laners 11.9, best junglers 11.9, best top laners 11.9, patch 11.9 rundown, 11.9 lol, 11.9 changes, item buffs 11.9, turbo chemtank nerfs 11.9, deadman’s plate nerfs 11.9, Hecarim nerfs 11.9, Morgana nerfs 11.9, Diana nerfs 11.9, Dr. Mundo nerfs 11.9, rumble nerfs 11.9, vlad nerfs 11.9, jinx nerfs 11.9, gragas nerfs 11.9, heimerdinger nerfs 11.9, garen nerfs 11.9, moonstone renewer buffs 11.9, death’s dance buffs 11.9, wits end buffs 11.9, kindred buffs 11.9, shen buffs 11.9, xerath buffs 11.9, kog’maw buffs 11.9, taric buffs 11.9, lulu buffs 11.9, trundle buffs 11.9, kayn buffs 11.9, sett buffs 11.9,

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36 thoughts on “MASSIVE CHANGES: NEW BUFFS & NERFS Coming in Patch 11.9 – League of Legends”

  1. Support is the strongest role in the game by far, you have the pressure of a jungler and you are the deciding factor in the bot lane, literally u have complete control over what happens in the jg, in mid, and in bot… by far the strongest role. It is also the easiest role, no csing, in a duo lane, just cc, roam, and place wards.

    Mid is really weak compared to how it normally is. Mid is also one of the hardest roles in the game bc you have to baby sit every other player.

  2. Jgs the weakest imo. You have to balance the low xp of power farming, the flame of shoving a lane after a gank. Noting teammates and so on making it a hard role to juggle in low elo. Once you climb you have less impact due to map awareness and less mistakes to exploit. So low or high elo id vote jg. Hard to balance though with how bad low elo is and how good high elo is.

  3. Need a buff to all artillery mages. Force teams to either make a move or lose to poke. Artillery mages like xer have been useless for awhile do you all the mobility and speed constantly added.


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