MASSIVE Ganyu Bug = 100 FREE Gems?! NEW 3000 Gems Contest Is Here! | Genshin Impact

In This Daily Genshin Impact News Digest:
1. The Massive Ganyu Bug
Same Case With Zhongli C2 Bug
2. 3000 Gems New Contest!
Giveaway Reminder
3. Teyvat Times N.o 4 Highlights
4. Misleading Advertisement Discussion
Test Run Extra Energy Disclosed!
5. Fun Memes Of Xiao
6. Multiple Zhongli Buffs Meme
7. Unauthorized Anemo Slime Takeoffs

Previous Case Of C2 Zhongli Bug = 100 Gems:
Our 10 Monthly Card Giveaway Video (1 Day Left!):
Official Genshin News Letter N.O. 4 (With Contest Details):

**Disclaimer: The Update On The Ganyu Bug Is Aimed To Bring The Developer’s Awareness And Possibility Give Out Free In-Game Currency As Compensation, It Is Not Here To Promote The Abuse Of The Bug In Any Way, Viewers Are Advised To Not Attempt To Duplicate The Bug!**

*Below are the Source of those YouTube Videos, Reddit Posts and Fan Based Sites*
Source & Credits To Data, Clip & Footage In The Video:
Reddit Ganyu C6 Bug Clip:
Reddit Great Kamera Shot Example:
Reddit Misleading Advertisment Discussion:
Official 1.3 Notes (See Bottom For Test Run Extra Energy) :
Reddit Guaranteed 5 Star Meme:
Reddit Xiao With All The Gems:
Reddit Zhongli Hair Cuts:
Reddit Anemo Slim Takeoff:

Thanks & Credits To (u/CryyoticFate, u/EbicBoi, u/b0dzi094, u/blop_flop, u/hukiolukioo, u/shrapnelss, u/Xurae, u/CMD_Neopolitan)

Thanks & Credits Of Thumbnail Image: Lolic From Discord
(Please Let Me Know Via Twitter If I Happened To Have Missed The Original Artist!)

Want to show extra support for Matt?
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Join us on Discord! For a lovely community!

Time Stamp
0:00 Intro
0:12 News Overview
1:34 The Massive Ganyu Bug
3:51 Same Case With Zhongli C2 Bug
4:34 3000 Gems New Contest!
6:06 Giveaway Reminder
6:33 Teyvat Times N.o 4 Highlights
9:40 Misleading Advertisement Discussion
10:48 Test Run Extra Energy Disclosed!
11:40 Fun Memes Of Xiao
13:06 Multiple Zhongli Buffs Meme
13:52 Unauthorized Anemo Slime Takeoffs
15:10 100 Compensation Gems Please!

Useful Videos
1.3 Hu Tao Banner Officially Hinted! On 3rd Of March!
MUST BUY DEALS! NEW Weapon Series & Characters!
Official 1.3 Patch Notes! FREE Gems & Wishes! 1.3 Xiao Banner
2 MASSIVE Hu Tao Buffs! NEW 1.3 Dainsleif Voice Clip!
HUGE 1.3 Xiao Plunge ATK Buffs! NEW Ayaka Clip & VA!
NEW 10,000 Gems Contest! Welkin Moon Giveaways!
BEST 1.2 Cheat Sheet For Extra Loots & Tips! ‘Secret’ Deals

*If you would like to support me in my passion to bring a brighter and more informative videos on Genshin Impact to our viewers across the world, and would want to Donate To Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation Link!

*I also have a Patreon Account if you want to support me this way! (Info & Packages to Be Updated For Genshin Impact Very Soon!)

Our Twitch Live Stream Link:

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46 thoughts on “MASSIVE Ganyu Bug = 100 FREE Gems?! NEW 3000 Gems Contest Is Here! | Genshin Impact”

  1. In This Daily Genshin Impact News Digest

    1. The Massive Ganyu Bug

    Same Case With Zhongli C2 Bug

    2. 3000 Gems New Contest!

    Giveaway Reminder

    3. Teyvat Times N.o 4 Highlights

    4. Misleading Advertisement Discussion

    Test Run Extra Energy Disclosed!

    5. Fun Memes Of Xiao

    6. Multiple Zhongli Buffs Meme

    7. Unauthorized Anemo Slime Takeoffs

    Previous Case Of C2 Zhongli Bug = 100 Gems:

    Our 10 Monthly Card Giveaway Video (1 Day Left!):

    Official Genshin News Letter N.O. 4 (With Contest Details):

    *Disclaimer: The Update On The Ganyu Bug Is Aimed To Bring The Developer's Awareness And Possibility Give Out Free In-Game Currency As Compensation, It Is Not Here To Promote The Abuse Of The Bug In Any Way, Viewers Are Advised To Not Attempt To Duplicate The Bug!*

    Below are the Source of those YouTube Videos, Reddit Posts and Fan Based Sites

    Source & Credits To Data, Clip & Footage In The Video:

    Reddit Ganyu C6 Bug Clip:

    Reddit Great Kamera Shot Example:

    Reddit Misleading Advertisment Discussion:

    Official 1.3 Notes (See Bottom For Test Run Extra Energy) :

    Reddit Guaranteed 5 Star Meme:

    Reddit Xiao With All The Gems:

    Reddit Zhongli Hair Cuts:

    Reddit Anemo Slim Takeoff:

    Thanks & Credits To (u/CryyoticFate, u/EbicBoi, u/b0dzi094, u/blop_flop, u/hukiolukioo, u/shrapnelss, u/Xurae, u/CMD_Neopolitan)

    Thanks & Credits Of Thumbnail Image: Lolic From Discord

    (Please Let Me Know Via Twitter If I Happened To Have Missed The Original Artist!)

    Want to show extra support for Matt?

    NEW YouTube Membership Benefits!

    Direct Donations:

    Patreon @

    Twitch @

    My Twitter (For Genshin Impact Related Info & News):

    Instagram (For More Personal Stories):

    Join us on Discord! For a lovely community!

    Time Stamp

    0:00 Intro

    0:12 News Overview

    1:34 The Massive Ganyu Bug

    3:51 Same Case With Zhongli C2 Bug

    4:34 3000 Gems New Contest!

    6:06 Giveaway Reminder

    6:33 Teyvat Times N.o 4 Highlights

    9:40 Misleading Advertisement Discussion

    10:48 Test Run Extra Energy Disclosed!

    11:40 Fun Memes Of Xiao

    13:06 Multiple Zhongli Buffs Meme

    13:52 Unauthorized Anemo Slime Takeoffs

    15:10 100 Compensation Gems Please!

    Useful Videos

    1.3 Hu Tao Banner Officially Hinted! On 3rd Of March!

    MUST BUY DEALS! NEW Weapon Series & Characters!

    Official 1.3 Patch Notes! FREE Gems & Wishes! 1.3 Xiao Banner

    2 MASSIVE Hu Tao Buffs! NEW 1.3 Dainsleif Voice Clip!

    HUGE 1.3 Xiao Plunge ATK Buffs! NEW Ayaka Clip & VA!

    NEW 10,000 Gems Contest! Welkin Moon Giveaways!

    BEST 1.2 Cheat Sheet For Extra Loots & Tips! 'Secret' Deals

    *If you would like to support me in my passion to bring a brighter and more informative videos on Genshin Impact to our viewers across the world, and would want to Donate To Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation Link!

    *I also have a Patreon Account if you want to support me this way! (Info & Packages to Be Updated For Genshin Impact Very Soon!)

    Our Twitch Live Stream Link:

    Please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

  2. I'm interested about the fact that only 361 travelers have found all agate. I know most people are missing the fox one, but with millions of players and people covering the fox thing in multiple communities, there's no way only 361 people did it.
    My guess is that there is more than 80 agate, because after I collected the 79 original known agate, I started doing the tree mission ones, always all 5, and after doing the fox one around new year, I perfectly finished with not a single agate left in my inventar. But by chance a few days ago I surprisingly found another agate that spawns by going for the "Prodigal Son's Return" achiev. So I have now one extra, the same as with the anemo- and geoculus.

  3. can anyone tell me if you can also take good pictures on the playstation? because i play on the ps and i do have the kamera gadget, but it seems impossible to take good pictures, because you need to hold a button on your controller and only a full second later a photo gets taken

  4. gotta say tho~ the "Delivery while it'S warm" got significantly easier once i remembered i had the Teleporter around~ just find out where they are~
    use a teleporter literally 2 steps away from them accept food challange teleport to them~ is like 2 sek food delivery~ i wish we could have something like that in real life 😀 but then again making it yourself does almost the same~

  5. I'm one of these 2358 players killed by lightning, btw.
    Not because I was that unlucky, but because I chased them specifically for that at low health.
    Thought there might be an achievement for that, but apparently not. Still was fun chasing for them to get hit repeatedly. XD

  6. How about the misleading description of Ganyu's elemental skill? It makes you think she cleanses elemental debuffs, "shunning all impurities". FYI, it doesn't. They should either change the description or make it cleanse. Either way, I was confused when I first read it and found it didn't remove debuffs. Thought it was bugged, but it's just flavor text.

  7. in this particular video, Matt talks about that incredible particular event, i like this particular information he introduced to the particular viewers! that's really cute guys, we are very happy about this! xD

  8. The leyline event was also false advertised in the chinese stream, where the player got a huge amount of exp-books on AR 18 (so world level 1). But now the reward is "only" double the amount.

  9. I tried the Food delivery challenge a few times then just ignored it until it went away. It was too painful for me to bother. I felt better after buying $100 in Primogems to help the pain go away. <Grin>


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