MASTER THE ZONE FOR FREE WINS! (Apex Legends Zone Rotation Guide – How to Rotate in Apex)

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0:00 – Intro
0:30 – Reading the Ring
1:04 – Early Game
2:11 – Play to Your Strengths
3:55 – Ring Movement
5:30 – Zone & Player Movement (OP)
6:52 – Get Free Kills!
7:37 – Endings
8:48 – The Ring is a Tool
9:42 – Use the Ring!

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19 thoughts on “MASTER THE ZONE FOR FREE WINS! (Apex Legends Zone Rotation Guide – How to Rotate in Apex)”

  1. I‘ve mastered a lot of the things you taught us with your videos and try to implement everything into my solo ranked games, but unfortunately my randoms almost always know everything better. No communication, always hot drops, no early rotations, unnecessarily push into a 3-4 squad fight (and getting sandwiched) and the most important thing: no patience. In 7-8 out of 10 games in platinum, I’m playing solo with 15 squads alive. It’s just frustrating. Since the RP change in S11, ranked lobbies are nothing else than pubs lobbies (especially in platinum). That’s why I stopped playing ranked.

  2. I love learning new things about apex but i hate when they put out videos talking about stuff i already know bc then i lose my advantage over some players 😂😂

  3. Hey value I appreciate the videos they're really helping me out but I'm still having trouble because I've been Platinum for five seasons now in a row but I feel like I cannot get the diamond because I only got one eye (but I know I make mistakes) would love to hear your opinion what I could try for only having one eye

  4. Ranked in Apex need 3 changes to become truly beautiful:
    1 – the score must be for the team and distributed at the end of the game, not assigned to the individual
    2 – damage must award points, as is the case for Kill and assists (100 damage = 5 points would be ok)
    3 – remove the protection from downgrading, a player who always makes a mistake must still be relegated

    Now I explain what is written: Currently the ranked are really enjoyable only by those who have a pre-established team.
    Players who have other random people (especially "gold 4", with downgrade protection) often find themselves with people who do the "Jump" absurdly, play alone and then die badly, do not retrieve banners, hide and is the "camper". Giving "team points" would also allow those who die "without fault" to collect something, watching the team play, and would improve teamwork even among random ones, in favor of a common gain. Assigning a value to damage has the double function of "paying" those who play excellent games by shooting a lot and participating in the game, as well as stimulating all the teams present towards a more active game (who shoots makes noise and makes the matches interesting, the "campers "are the bane of every title). The downgrade protection should eventually be removed because, let's be honest, reaching the "gold" rank is easy but, soon after, you meet experienced people. It is not nice that those who are ranked just to pass the time ruin the game for those who try to be serious, just because the downgrade protects them. This is what I would propose to developers to make ranked beautiful
    A final sore point is the "cheater" plague An automatic signaling and control system for those who take badges such as "4k damage 'or" 20+ kills "having levels below 200, would be an excellent means of prevention in my opinion


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