Maybe I was the Villain all along… | Genshin Impact

Maybe we were the villains all along.

Checkout my previous Genshin Impact video:
98.6% of Players didn’t know Xiangling had a boomerang:

Checkout my other Genshin Impact videos:
Things 98.7% of Players think of doing when they have 18 resin:
I joined other People’s World and made them Cringe:
The Tiny Details 98.8% of Players never noticed:

More About Genshin Impact:
Players can explore the game’s large fantasy world, called Teyvat, with over 25+ characters and various points of interest spread across the map. The game features an action combat playstyle that allows the player to swap between 4 individual characters in a party to quickly combo attacks. Single-player gameplay is the focus of the game, with Co-Op Mode available for certain activities.

Each character has two unique combat skills: a normal skill and a special skill. The normal skill can be used at any time except for the cooldown period immediately after use, while the special skill has an energy cost, requiring the user to amass sufficient elemental energy first.

Characters have control over one of seven natural elements: Cryo, Dendro, Pyro, Hydro, Anemo, Electro, and Geo. Cooking is another significant aspect of Genshin Impact’s gameplay. Players gather many resources in the course of their adventure, some of which can be turned into dishes via cooking. Some dishes regenerate characters’ health, while others boost attack or defensive abilities.


44 thoughts on “Maybe I was the Villain all along… | Genshin Impact”

  1. For some weird reason I just ALWAYS keep Chongyun and Xingqiu alive on the same team
    And kill enemies just by freezing and shattering, then repeat
    Or just kill them with qiqi’s E
    Yes- I’m out of resin-

  2. i've stop playing this game for almost a week now, due to the guilt of killing one peacefully-sleeping-under a tree hilichurl just for a blue mask, just one. Yet the game give me a green. a GREEN! And that left me no another choice, but to keep moving forward… until all of my Noelle's skills are upgraded.


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