Medieval Dynasty S2 Ep 26 Need to move one house and build another

Hunt, survive, build and lead in the harsh Middle Ages: Create your own Medieval Dynasty and ensure its long-lasting prosperity or die trying!


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Music by Epidemic Sound


5 thoughts on “Medieval Dynasty S2 Ep 26 Need to move one house and build another”

  1. Life spans for animals: Geese – 12.5 yrs; Pigs – 18.75 years.
    Simple backpack (+15kg weight) – 800 coin – from Karolina in Hornica (Only one who sells it).
    If you put down a stone campfire, and place some benches and stools around it, your villages WILL gather there morning and night during their "free time". Not seen any advantage to putting a table there.
    Tip: Before you take a quest F5 to quicksave and if you find you are unable to fulfil the quest for any reason, then just F9 to quickload back in.
    You get more limestone from the rock deposits up on the mountains.
    Lambs – 2000 a piece


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