Rank 1 Nasus Steamrolls Xerath Midlane S12 Carry | Carnarius | League of Legends

Rank 1 Nasus Steamrolls Xerath Midlane S12 Carry | Carnarius | League of Legends
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20 thoughts on “Rank 1 Nasus Steamrolls Xerath Midlane S12 Carry | Carnarius | League of Legends”

  1. 16:41 that lux's bush face check was absolutely beautiful, alone, with no damage against a fed Nasus that just killed top and jungle by himself XD. And GP is walking away as she proceeds 😂😂 absolutely beautiful!
    And she uses red swipe!

  2. There are a few conditions that have to be ticked to merit a 3force buy on GP.

    Primarily, I'd go 3force with 60% crit in matchups that can all-in me even from behind, and that scale well enough to not let me poke them out. Fiora and Gwen come to mind. The secondary condition would be that my team needs a frontline. In this case J4 needs someone to frontline with him, so 3force for the extra health would go a long way, but I'd go more into a ultility type build then to pickup as much health as I can. Serpent's was a good pickup, I'd follow that up with a Chempunk to reduce healing, then perhaps Sterak's and a regular bruiser style build.

  3. 13:18 Carn I gotta admit this play was braindead. You got the wither off on xerath as his stun hit you, so when you ult you ignore the turret and chase them you get slapped with a ton of extra damage, 1 shot from the first turret that's 1 hit, and you ramp up the second tower damage by not being able to kite out of inner tower range then back in for the reset.
    Just q tower for +3 and the 250 + 50 gold, then run the xerath down. You also avoid caitlyn trap via pathing to tower.

    Not hitting tower was boosted and q'ing tower was the obvious play

    Shoulda ulted immediately and ran down GP off of tower and then taken tower using stoneplate to tank tower. Escape was unlikely ofc, but tower = 600gs

  4. I don't have the mentality for this game.every time i reach a mental miltdown by the time i reach plat in a new account then i rage quit delete the game and forget about the account for a long time.

  5. Quick question, why does he go fibulwinter? I can understand that it helps with mana issues, so he goes tear. But why finish it? It only grants health and some CD, but is it not better the steraks setup or in mana cases frozen heart?


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