Melee ADCs: The Champions That Prevent Marksman From Being Good | League of Legends

For today’s video we’re gonna be discussing the “Melee AD Carry” class, comprising of melee champions that build crit items, and how they singlehandedly prevent Marksmen from being strong.

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21 thoughts on “Melee ADCs: The Champions That Prevent Marksman From Being Good | League of Legends”

  1. I am not a league expert, nor a game dev. but would it be beneficial to give melee adc's their own subcatagory? and then split up items between melee and ranged units. like some items can have a middle ground where both can buy them. but the main bulk of the items are things that would make a melee adc broken, but only a ranged adc can buy them. that way you dont have to nerf items to nerf melee adcs, while consequently nerfing ranged adcs.

    I think that would also help them going forward when they decided to continue to make melee adcs, so they dont trap themselves in a huge corner

  2. I think nobody wants adcs to be relevent before 3 items because if they were, we would see them everywhere ! Like you said, range is one the most important stat in the game and we already saw how overbuffing adcs just resulted in them going top or mid and destroying all of the ennemy team"s fun

  3. i wonder if you add in a melee/ranged split for certain crit item stats like you see in Maw or Divine Sunderer, where it scales normally for ranged but is reduced in some way for melee champions

  4. i think something that is missing from this discussion is how riot gave adcs a two item spike with ie second and then nerfed crit damage scaling for adcs to lessen that spike and then when the item rework happened they moved that spike once again to 3/4 items and only ever compensated yasuo yone and trynd who can still build it at the same time they used to before the changes.

  5. It's sort of strange to me that a handful of champions gatekeep an entire class from relevancy ( this is a little hyperbolic but I hope you get what I mean ). Since they are an exception, why does Riot not try to redesign/adjust them so they no longer cause such problems anymore? I can't help but think that there's a solution to this problem that Riot doesn't want to implement for one reason or another.

  6. Yep this sums it up. Ever since melees and Mages started randomly going bot lane I haven’t had much fun and pretty much entirely switched to ARAM. It’s just like how much more can you do to end the fun of the only role I like riot?

  7. I think its healthy for the game overall. Dota ADCs are mostly all melees and get shit on in lane even more so than ranged adcs in league but have to endure it so late game they can shine.

  8. Thats right, range is the most powerful stats, melee walks in they get stunned and they die, I agree.
    But whats up with them having loads of cc on their own?? whats up with the assassin having multiple dashes and bursts on top of that AOE teamfight crowed control??

    Yummi dies when she gets cc, talks like other enchanters dont.

    People die if they get killed.

  9. Nice Video but you left Teamfights completely Out of the equation? I dont understand why so many people treat league as if its all about 1v1 you Even said in the Video marksman are the weakest because they lose Most 1v1. League isnt about 1v1 its a 5v5 Teamgame and when you Take that into consideration you understand very fast why neither yone nor yasuo are ever picked or banned in competitive Play. Sure they win every 1v1 lategame but as soon as they try to get into a tf they will get stunned and killed.

  10. Its the other way around .. adcs are the ones holding the mele crit users from being good there are a lot of reasons and explanations for that but i don’t have the time nor the energy to talk about it

    I will just mention just recent nerf for the adcs which they specifically compensated yas and yone for it (immortal shield)

    And i wont even talk with any delusional who still think yasuo or yone still good or op .. yone might be doing better than yasuo tho but still trash

    And we don’t talk about trynda here .. that shit should be reworked.. having that broken ult with that low cd + he can get 35% crit level 1 and randomly crits you and unlike yas and yone his crit dmg isn’t nerfed

  11. i rather think they should rework crit itself to be more linear and not based on rng. Like for example: you remove crit entirely and you change it to auto attack increased damage. Rather than getting 20% crit every item, you get consistent 20% auto attack damage increase per item until you cap at 100% bonus. Would remove the coinflip attacks while mathematically it would be the same damage as before but consistent to work with. Would make the game way less RNG focused, because RNG isn't a good factor in a competetive game.


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