Melt / Pyro Kaeya is SO MUCH FUN! | Genshin Impact

Kaeya always surprising me had so much with this team comp! What else should I try??
Intro 0:00
Video Overview 0:14
Artifacts 0:43
Melt Kaeya Test 1:58
Melt Kaeya (EM) Test 2:38
Pyro Kaeya Test 3:50
Pyro Kaeya Abyss 4:59
Melt Kaeya Abyss 5:55
Melt Kaeya vs Pyro Regisvine 7:06
Conclusion 8:30


30 thoughts on “Melt / Pyro Kaeya is SO MUCH FUN! | Genshin Impact”

  1. Ah yes, Kaeya the crit archon. Like for real, Kaeya (and all the other free characters on that matter) may not be the flashiest but they are EXTREMELY good at what they do. Like if people actually took time to read Kaeya's abilities and whatnot, I mean he gets free crits, has good energy regen AND self sustains with E? What's not to like. (And he's hot.)

  2. This channel deserves so much more, always serving with facts and interesting in-depth guide and tests scenario content. I got so much help for my Albedo and Xiao from this channel. You literally get eargasm with all of the useful information he said on top of his soothing voice. Thanks for exploring and testing for us KQ 😇

  3. Great video! Glad to see more people building him with the Melt and Pyro builds. The Melt version focused on Elemental Mastery is really fun also. It's a great build for F2P players since they can use the Iron Sting, if they don't have a 5-Star Weapon.

    In the version I use, Kaeya is as a main DPS and support at the same time. He will be the normal carry with his insane Physical normal attacks, but his burst will be used more as a support ability, to trigger frozen with Xingqiu or Barbara so that Xiangling's Burst can be the one to trigger the stronger version of Melt, especially considering her natural ascension stat is Elemental Mastery.

    Overall both version of the build are quite strong, and I honestly see it being a matter of personal preference.

    And even though the Pyro version is quite strong, I personally prefer the Melt version, since it is more versatile overall, and doesn't require the huge commitment that is unlocking C6 Bennett. Pyro version DPS is unmatched though, and probably is the most damaging Kaeya build yet.

  4. What do you think of Phys kaeya with Skyward blade and it's cresent pike-like procs? Pyro Kaeya seems fun, but is a bit reliant on Bennet's high burst cost. Cryo(melt) kaeya has the most synergy tho imo, removing his split damage type.

  5. Thank you for the the video I loved it✌️ and because Kaeya is my Dps I'm so intrested to know how to build him correctly so I hope to see more Kaeya videos from you🙏

  6. I honestly love this so much. I'll always stick with my permafreeze comp, but seeing Kaeya being appreciated means so much to me. I think what makes him so good is how versatile he is and how constant his dmg is. I was so bummed out when I kept seeing him in C tier, or being shit talked by everyone. But now, look at him. He's getting the love he deserves!

  7. The thumbnail makes Kaeya look like a person from Natlan. Natlan is the Fire Archon's country and Vanessa's homeland. The people there are mostly dark skin and has red hair.


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