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44 thoughts on “MIRAGE IS GETTING A BUFF! (Apex Legends)”

  1. Apex youtbers everywhere:MiRaGe iS GeTtInG a BuFf
    Me: no he is just getting fixed the footsteps for his decoys got removed around season 4 because they were messing with game sound now they are just being readded but if too many sounds happen at once than the decoys footsteps will be the first to fade away because it is now the least priortized sound

  2. What if for his ult they took away the circle of clones and he just went invisible for 5 seconds and had the option to send out clones with no cooldown for 10 seconds the clones also auto path your movement? But with short amount of time you have to work with maybe a slight speed buff ?

  3. im sorry to rant but i want rev being buff, not totem or silence but the climb i got so disapointed when it comes out because they said like it was going to be so epic and the bitch cant even climb to the roof of a 2 floor house, Horizon path even octane can do it and the character that cupouse to CLIMB cant get to the roof whit out a jumpad, zip or gravity lift FIX YOUR S*IT RESPAWN e.e

  4. Ever since they gave Mirage a rework I love using him now. Before I really did not like using him. I never realized the holograms didn't make sound… I listen to steps and sounds to help tell where the enemy squad is. This is going to bamboozle on a new level.

  5. 3:00 you running with the heirloom gave the thought, every time he swings it, it mimics other legends heirlooms & their animations, that declock revealing him goofing off with the trophy (thoughts of animation of mirage attempt at twirling octanes butterfly knife, dropping the trophy clumsily picking it up while its flickering n he wipes off some dirt on its head or something) or on impact it declocks and is his trophy hitting them or poking at them.
    Thinking of that also inspired the thought of when mirage uses his ult, 2 of the decoys are whatever legends are currently teammates. Which also brought up when mirage ult is active a team ate could run up to one of the decoys and "holoshade" themselves replacing their image with the decoys allowing shaded member control of decoy, until its or they are shot at, or the decoy deactives revealing the shaded member after the given holograms 3 ticks of damage


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