MnK Players Can't Even Keep Up With My Movement…

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42 thoughts on “MnK Players Can't Even Keep Up With My Movement…”

  1. 2:15 I re-watched this backwards slide into a complete right momentum moving input a couple of times and then tried it in the firing range, the only way to do this it seems is if you have a tap strafe bind for moving right(default keyboard button is D). You must be decked out on controller buttons lol, because as of right now I only have W bound and am waiting for Sony to finally release back buttons for the ps5 controller so i can add a mode shift button for all of the tap strafe binds. Good stuff.

  2. It's one thing that you have the dexterity to be able to pull off these things on controller. But it's another entirely to be as fast as you are cognitively. Recognition, decision making and opportunity exploitation; you got it all down and it's just a masterclass to be able to watch it in effect.

    Big up man, you're fuckin' killin' it. <3

  3. This Has to be controller on PC though because you have the ability to tap strafe like at 2:34 which is a mechanic Consol players don’t have.

    You are still good though I’m just Upset now because that means that I can’t emulate this movement unless I get a PC


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