Money Maker Miss Fortune [First Strike E-Max] | League of Legends (Season 12)

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12 thoughts on “Money Maker Miss Fortune [First Strike E-Max] | League of Legends (Season 12)”

  1. 3:304:00 you lose 3 minions to tower to completely push vayne out of lane and call that a bad trade. why? I think you put too much emphasis on not ganking when you have a wave. this was a win imo.

  2. I am interested to hear your thoughts on what i have to say. Because i actually disagree with you for once.

    im sorry, i normally agree with you. but first strike is a trash rune on most adcs except ezreal. You get little to no gold early and less damage then you would if you took any other rune. most of the gold comes post 20 minutes. And lets be objective about what you got in gold, 1k in a 27 minute game. oh whoopee you got a extra pick axe. By taking first strike you are making a role whose early game is the weakest point and making it even weaker. When i go a comet rune page with scorch i typically will get almost 1k damage every 10 minutes out of that rune on average. some times more sometimes less. we can see that you have gotten 285 damage and 200 gold at almost 14 minutes into the game. And i would like to point out, that it didn't actually help you get your item faster. you had almost 300 gold over what you needed. So that means the gold you gained from first strike has actually just sat in your bags the whole game. unspent gold is not valuable. And on the first back where you got the longsword if you just played a bit better and didn't randomly auto attack alistar and lose 3 minions for it you would have had the third longsword anyway. By the end of the game you had 1200 damage and 1k gold from the rune. but yet most of your backs you had unspent gold so the gold you gained was useless. if you ran comet you would have gotten around 2500 damage from it + scorch if i was a betting man. If you ran PTA or lethal tempo i would be willing to bet that would have been more damage. And lets be real, comet just insta wins the lanes if you put points into E. I do think there is a arguement that if your vs tanks with a all in support you should probably run PTA or lethal tempo and go a crit build. But other then that I think comet lethality with axiom arc is probably the best MF build at the moment. but i adjust my builds depending on what my support is and how tanky there team is. If they have tanks im always going a crit build, if they are squishy im always going lethality. comet or pta/tempo is more about the support pick just so you can optimize winning lane. but those are my thoughts. I do enjoy your content though keep up the good work.

  3. Cracken
    Imortol Shield Bow
    Witts End
    Ghost Bl

    P.s. Of course go into Cloke of Agility first, then Witts end. After wits end finish, LDR. I reckon its a slightly higher tempo.

    I also recommend playing round with Mobility Boots, so you can run down anyone, and E, and Exhaust them.


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