More and more men suffer from Low Testosterone

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47 thoughts on “More and more men suffer from Low Testosterone”

  1. looking at the video title
    "Pffff! I'm sure none of this will apply to me. But Imma watch it anyways cause I love Vee's commentary."

    quite literally all of the points apply to me
    me, sitting at the PC while sipping on my can of Burn energy drink: "Interesting."

  2. Listen johns at this point the food is killing us. There’s no way around that we just gotta bite the bullet w that aspect. HOWEVER. Lift lift lift. Hard deep squats. Leg day 3 times a week. The other 2 days upper body push and pull. Lots of pull ups and bench press for upper body days. After working out hit a lil cardio and then take an ICE COLD SHOWER after the work out. Start boxing or some type of combat training.

  3. truth be told, your videos are rarely more kinetic than a still photo, so I typically only listen whilst playing sudoku. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    also, would you come to America to be my personal physician/trainer?

  4. Not just a male problem. Many women have thyroid/hormonal problems, thus also have problems conceiving. I'm one of them, i just got diagnosed with Graves disease (auto immune, 7.5 times as likely to occur in women) and put on meds for 1.5 years. I know inflammation in the body triggers auto immune responses, so i'm gonna go dairy free keto next week, and stop using stuff with xenoestrogens. I'll do aything that's needed to give my son a sibling. The funny thing is, the endocrinologist told me to not change my diet…All they know is how to medicate, not how to prevent.

  5. 1. water supply — phthalates, bisphenol-A, and residual birth control medication — these are estrogenic compounds

    2. food supply — soy (yes, it can have a profound effect on testosterone production and estrogen balance when used continually in moderate amounts), corn syrup, extreme hops in certain beers (pale ales, IPAs, etc.)

    3. food habits — eating until FULL is the worst sin — the one rule I follow is to NEVER eat until I feel like I can't physically eat more or until I feel ill at ease due to too much food

    4. lack of activity

  6. If you need diet help I would search "Is It Bad For You" It helped me understand foods to better tailor my diet without having to go to a dietician. Also, as Vee said exercise is needed everyday. it shouldn't be intense everyday but simply integrating walking into your life makes you much more healthy. overtime if you stick with it.

  7. this is interesting. i'm gay and hormonally transitioning, mtf, and i don't really care for labels, so call me what you like. i'm 21 and started puberty really late at 15 y/o. my doctor said i had low vitamin d level in blood for a long time, and i'm assuming that translated to low testosterone. i'd actually only ever gotten seasonal depression, not a constant sort of mild depression. oddly enough, the periods where i spent the most time outside would plunge me into deep depressions, probably from actually seeing an increase in testosterone and the incongruence with what i thought i should be in my head. i know for a fact that i've got this incongruence not from low testosterone during puberty, but because of more underlying psychological problems probably developed at a fetal stage… but it does beg the question if the low t crisis is linked to the heightened transgender numbers in recent years.

  8. Watch more Russian trap/hip-hop videos.
    It'll fix you up.
    You're velcome, boys.
    Seriously, the best way to raise T is to hang out with more guys. Have fun. Talk sh*t. Be men.

    I am not a doctor.

  9. i have no energy…. im allways depressed….. i get hardly any sunlight….. i eat poorly….. im not Obese or even slightly fat (good i guess)…. i am horny all the time, but im not super in to people in general….??

  10. The cholesterol you eat has no effect on you whatsoever – all the cholesterol in your body (which is used to make cells and many other important biochemicals) is synthesised by your own liver. "Cholesterol bad" was advertised by companies which wanted to sell low cholesterol products to people scared of heart attacks. It was also used to discourage people from eating eggs (which are cheap and healthy) to sell them more expensive products.

  11. We must rebuild our cities so that everything is within walking distance of your place of residence (or or a subway/trolley/train station).
    We must enact incentives for being physically fit, whether by offering tax discounts for people who go to a gym for 3 or more hours a week, or by taxing people based on their body mass index.
    We must rewrite food safety regulations to incentivize ketogenic diets.

  12. I haven't checked, but I believe I've had low testosterone for a bit, mainly because I was heavily overweight for a while. That combined with my sleep apnea made it a nightmare to live. Now I've been going to the gym 5 days a week and limiting my sugar consumption to almost none and trying to avoid fast food. I feel eons better.

  13. Vee please stop listening to Dieticians still stuck to dogma from the 60s. Cholesterol isn't leading to an obesity epidemic. Seed oils, excessive carbohydrate consumption and poor life habits have done this. Cholesterol is paramount in synthesizing vitamin D, which you talk about, to begin with.
    The issue lies in the heavy n-6 content of our foods, specifically foods high in Linoleic Acid.


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