Most Aggressive Miss Fortune Build in Preseason | League of Legends (Season 11)

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27 thoughts on “Most Aggressive Miss Fortune Build in Preseason | League of Legends (Season 11)”

  1. Anyone in chat ever experience crazy bad matchmaking as soon as you start playing ranked? Started playing ranked this week and I was super excited to use MF but I'm on like a 10 game losing streak. For some reason I keep getting matched with people who don't know how to play or go AFK but somehow get matched with people who are lvl 300+. Just curious if it's happened to anyone else because it's starting to feel a little rigged and really turning me off this game.

  2. Thank youuuuu for thissss, literally just draven im trying to learn to lane against now, in terms of counters. Need to be alpha LOL.

    also did you get a haircut?! Your hair looks different, it looks nice! 🙂

  3. QOTD: the balance team is doing a good job, it's the match making that's problematic if anything, I have matches in which I annihilate my opponents and matches in which I get crushed, in those matches I ask them what ELO they're at and how long they've been playing for (me being 3 months into the game and bronze 1 this preseason so far), last time I got trashed I was against a gold player in mid, me Ahri, her Irellia

  4. Hello, do you use attack move click ? You seems to. I am using it too but i try to change to attack move because i didnt see one pro player who use attack move click instead of attack move :(. I struggle a lot.

  5. who care about defenses you'll die any way if you in the wrong spot . pro if you really wanna have burst damage i mean the meaning of real burst you have to max your armor penetration you should take last whisper and black cleaver and just keep build dirk edge not realy that usful as th3 item any thing can broke down your shield any pro player know that .. go BC & whisper and make me happy

  6. QotD: LoL balance team NEVER did a good job – that's why so called 'meta' exists – some of champions/builds are far more powerful than others and people follow them. That's why Flash is mandatory in 99% of scenarios, etc.


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