My Hardest Challenge So Far… (Genshin Impact)

Download Summoner’s War Here: Thanks to Summoner’s War for sponsoring this video! Today in Genshin Impact we’re trying something I …


45 thoughts on “My Hardest Challenge So Far… (Genshin Impact)”

  1. My first pull was Diluc before I knew what rerolling was and rarity of five stars, he carried me through my entire F2P experience up to ar 50, he’s still my main

  2. I'm pretty pumped for this series. I'm not a f2p but a battle pass and welkin only (except once) so your videos on an account that's much more comparable to mine once you get to end game will be much more entertaining.

  3. I did the same, but more for reliving the story.
    I got barbara C4 by now, the game loves me giving barbara…..
    And suddenly yesterday on the childe banner, before i hit pitty i got a 5 star… mona! Im happy. Now i can farm that water boss a lot more now! And those mushrooms in monstadt… i hate it. But mona!

  4. Him using Fischl mostly as a Ganyu with the charged shot and almost never giving Oz his well deserved filed time: it hurts hahaha
    As for the people who say “having a 5 star is not a real f2p experience”, I have two accounts (one in the American server, the other one in the Asian server) and I’m f2p on both. On my main account, I had to wait until soft pity to get my first 5 star. However, on my second account, I managed to pull Mona on the SECOND SINGLE PULL of the Hu Tao banner and a 5 star sword ALSO ON THE SECOND SINGLE PULL of the standard banner. Oh, and I pulled a bunch of 4 stars characters on the first 10 pull for the begginner’s wishes…
    Where’s that luck on my main account? No idea…

  5. The F2P challenge really is the only challenge, right now, with the way Mihoyo has developed the game. Seeing How far I can get without cash has been a very entertaining for me.

    One thing I've noticed is that, with the F2P challenge, it is a good idea to have multiple accounts. Because one account will turn out to be your Diluc account and one will be your Ganyu account. As F2P You will need to focus on two main DPS and IGNORE the others, while the desire to use the others sometimes remains.

    Having multiple F2P accounts allows you to try different teams while spending nothing.


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