My Main is BACK! – Apex Legends Season 10

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40 thoughts on “My Main is BACK! – Apex Legends Season 10”

  1. I feel all the sweats with 20/4k 15k+ kills on one legend play duos and when I do I get a level 37 that's playing on a 2/2 sense and has no idea how to play this game. I cant stand the sbmm with teamates it gives you. It's so frustrating

  2. Why are you ever still playing with Sooxfar? He is no match. He is so arrogant. He always proves you are a liar (which you definitely aren't). He not respect you, does he? You deserve a good partner who respects you. And he always steals your kills! What more do you need? You know what I am talking about, this game was a 1000 times better

  3. i’m probably going back to Path too, he was my main for the longest of time and then i started experimenting….till this day i didn’t find any legend that would grow on me (i’m a season 1 player)

  4. Bit of a random comment but I just had a game where we landed, got hardly any loot and had to fight a team off the drop, I literally only had a Wingman that I never use and suck with. Despite that we killed them got purple shields from damage and then had two other teams roll up on us, we took another team down before getting killed in a fight with the 3rd squad and a 4th team of snipers who camped the fight. Ended up with 6 kills and 1200 damage with the Wingman. Goes to show how OP that gun can be, I need to give it a try and learn to get good with it now. Makes for a nasty peek weapon as Bloodhound where you can pre aim their head.

  5. Ahhh yes, talking about POI's where too many people try to land on not enough loot. The amount of times I've landed Bunker/Supply Ship/Cage/Streamer building/train/estates/bonzai/fight night/ps4 building (just to name a few) and spent 3 minutes with no guns trying to recover banners and survive just to get absolutely APED by every wannabe sweatbag and 3stack meta squad in the area and sent back to the lobby for the next retard random to take us right back to the same place and do it all over again. I HATE these places. They aren't fun, I'm always last man standing, and I'm never the reason we landed there. If I wanted to spend 90% of my gaming sessions sitting at a loading screen I'd go play fucking Dead by Daylight.

  6. I swear hes got a hack on… theres no foot steps at times… and sumhow he knows exactly where they are… and i tell you ive been playing since season 1 … and i know how far ppl are wen i hear foot steps are … and i hear none…. and sum how he knows… exactly where to look and how many plpl are arnd… and i study streamers streams…. and vids…. and i look at there eye movemenet… and i see streamers look to there right of the screen all the time i aint saying no names… ive been playin so long and just wanna know why they have to use hacks.. but if im wrong im sorry…truly…


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