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23 thoughts on “MY RANDOM WAS A BACKSEAT GAMER! (Apex Legends)”

  1. Y’all taking this video too deep I’m not mad at the guy I was annoyed lmao get a grip

    And for y’all saying I backseat gamed I literally made one suggestion for him to throw his ult because I knew he was gonna go down and guess what happend? Oh .. he went down

    Again I didn’t say he was the worst teammate ever or that I didn’t like him as a person. If u listen to the intro I said you’re gonna see an annoyed side of me and that’s what y’all got

    Relax lmao it’s not that deep

  2. Sorry for the wall, much love.

    I always play and say what I am doing. Right at the beginning I wish them luck and ask who they want to play.

    After that I ask where we should land and say I would prefer to land with a bunch of action, but if you at least have a mic for some conversation I'm cool with a slower game.

    7/10 times my teammate puts in their mic and we both laugh at LEAST once.

    I know it sounds weird but I love those moments. I know this world is tough, ESPECIALLY right now, and we have to give everyone a chance.

    Most people just mute/no mic because they dont want the toxicity that is out there, but if you just mute that person (and each after) eventually you will have your own personalized world with all the jerks muted.

    I definately try hard every game ( and everything I do), and I tell my teammates to please let me know if I am too much and I can flip up my mic.

    We need to bring back the fun times and conversation while focusing on what we need to do to win during our fights rather than just saying people are cracked or spam pinging.

    If I say I am going to the top of a building, I am telling you so you can get somewhere powerful where can both be useful to each other, and I would hope you would tell me your plan quickly.(what happens is most players dont hear that or don't care…and they just keep on playing like that information was never given to them.)

    Let's try to create a trend going into next season (and with other games) with more positivity flowing in game and just vibing.

    We gotta be what the world needs <3. We ALL love gaming let's get back to being 1 awesome ass community.

    Look at the size of your platform, RACHET (and others) you literally speak to SOOO many people and can be (and are!) such a positive force.

    Love and light. Happy Saturday <3
    Xbox – Thee Acc0untant

  3. I think random had a bad Apex day, it happens to the best of us. At least he was chill and didn't get mad I guess ^-^

    Also, is there anyone that knows how to actually have the in-game voices on recording? The in-game chat never records in Apex, and sometimes it sucks because I miss out on having their voice recorded (had some real nice randoms lately) 😅

  4. Rachet don’t listen to the mean coments keep up the good work I enjoy to effort you put into your videos if I do YouTube I hope I can be like you and a lot of people to thank you for the good vids and I have Ben recently have got a lot better thank you


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