My thoughts on Invisibility and Untargetability in league of legends.
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31 thoughts on “My thoughts on Invisibility and Untargetability in league of legends.”

  1. Thanks for adressing this issue, i think i have a realy good positioning as a ad, but the fact i get zoned out because of a shroud on the ground, if its a real 5v5 and she wont come out, i cant dps for 4 sec, she havent zonya yet and she is ready to end my misery if i misstep in 2nd r range, she get golden and lost likely their adc didnt had the same problem and my frontline is no more

  2. Totally agree with everything you said,besides they have broken kit they have also a broken items to buy like tabis so even in scenario where you can hit them you cant still kill him cause w will come back again,so stupid

  3. I think is time for League to put Oracle Q from Dota 2 to punish all those stealthy champions, his stun you can cast on enemies and ally is like Senna stun but point and click the longer you channel the bigger the CC and Damage.

    Description of the skill for those that don't play Dota 2:
    Gathers Oracle's power into a bolt of scouring energy that, when released, damages, roots, and purges enemies of buffs in an area around the target. If target is an ally it will only purge debuffs. Can be channeled for up to 2.5 seconds. The root duration is equal to the time spent channeling.

    Basically if idk, Morgana Q someone, you cast this skill on the person and he is cleansed and stun the person around him :p so Qyiana jumps you someone you cast the skill on them they are not stunned anymore the Qyiana is and bang fun for you not fun for Qyiana abomination of a champion.

  4. I agree with all of your points. I feel this way in a lot of fights now.

    My champion (Master Yi) is also oppressive with duskblade with untargetable one shot invis. Wish we could have less damage in the game too

  5. The thing about item rework that didn't sit right with me was the addition of invis/mobilty/CC to items. The champions with these types of mechanics were meant to be balanced around them, but now everyone has a galeforce/prowlers dash added to the champ, half of mages have a 2nd cc cause everfrost etc. And to make matters worse, new champs keep getting these mechanics, so it's becoming oversaturated. Like if you think about rescent releases, only 1 champion doesn't have mobility in their kit (seraphine) cause (Zeri/Vex/Akshan/Gwen/Viego/Yone) do. And on top of that, damage is getting powercrept each year so when someone finally exits stealth/untargetability/runs out of dashes they just oneshot each other. It's just boring to play the game this way, cause you have to play one of these champs or play turbo safe and pray they fuck up so you can punish.

  6. Riot just shits on control mages past 2 seasons, releasing new disgusting champions full of dashes and those spells you are speaking of in the video. There are also many items made to fuck with control mages… I just don't feel comfortable to play them, because nobody in soloQ will ever peel for you, which makes it even more harder to play.

  7. this game is so trash there are 30 champs total op and rest suck and riot rly forget about this champs why they wanna rework tryndamere is he bad or what? so many champs need a rework and they rework tryndamere

  8. stopwatch to me is the biggest offender because it gives this power to all champs, oh you got caught as a squishy mage ? 2.5 seconds of invulnerability until your thresh comes and throws you a lantern.

  9. i agree but at least with invisibility they can still get hit by random aoe stuff
    the one thing that bothers me the most is when a champ disappeares from the map like master yi Q, fizz E, gwen W, kayn R and the only thing you can do is wait

  10. I think it's interesting that ADCs arent generally given any of these tools(-Xayah + Vayne) as Riot must know you cannot combo high DPS with untargetablity. But they don't follow that rule for the rest of the roles for some reason, even when a champ like Gwen has reasonably good DPS.

  11. Omg you speak out of my soul, I've felt like the number of invisibility increased tremendous and it's really hard to counter. As adc you can do very little against assassins anyway, but if they are perma invisible then it's dead end.

  12. For me the game is unfun for years now. These insane champs are comming up left and right, with more and more BS mechanics – like the Renata, srsly? I am gonna play Yi and kill my team?
    Akshan is another dimension, Gwen, dont get me started. Yuumi was created specifically for elo boosting, nothing more, even tho Riot said before that funneling is bad and unfun to play against.

  13. One day I played against a fed Kha'Zix.
    I know that he was fed and he will one shot anyone in my side, but our team couldn't do nothing simply because when he kill someone, boom invisible, and you have like 0.5 seconds to do a cc against him to stop him and try to kill him.
    Obviously we lost, but the frustrating part is that we couldn't do anything because he was perma invisible and couldn't target him with the spells.
    You can tell me to buy a Control Ward and place it in the middle of the fight, or use the oracle lens, but I don't think anyone will randomly place/buy control ward in late game just for one invisible guy and the lens just show the shadow of the champ, not the champ itself.

  14. Only problem is when you main a few champions and not open to learn newer champions. It's like not adding new guns to your arsenal just because you are good at your old fashion weapons.

  15. I don't know how many times I thought someone died bc they were at 1 hp only for them to come out of their duskblade and one shot someone and on the other hand you go invis with a champ and get hit by the most random shit and die.


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