NARUTO FALLS IN LOVE?! (A Fortnite Movie)

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Naruto has fallen in love, but with who? There’s several girls competing for his affection, who will win his love? Find out!

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41 thoughts on “NARUTO FALLS IN LOVE?! (A Fortnite Movie)”

  1. I really wish they would respect Naruto's personality a bit more. As the Nine Tails Jinchuriki, he's lived a hard life but it's his determination & willingness to never give up on his friends & beliefs that pushes him through those hard times. I would've like to see that side of him interact & understand Charlotte more.

  2. I have a feeling that NSP is slowly dropping these videos aside and at some point they will stop uploading them.
    Since this season had a lot of potential to create a great storyline. The content and used characters was very poor compared to previous seasons.
    But in any case, I appreciate all the work they did in great previous seasons creating great stories.

  3. This video is the best with Naruto like Naruto and Charlotte went out fighting some bad guys of those Cube monsters and after that Naruto start talking about Naruto's backstories and then finally Lexa shows up she doesn't get it with this and then the next thing it happened Naruto and Lexa start going on a date in Naruto everything about his backstory to Lexa still don't get it cuz she kept saying why Naruto start getting angry and starts running out of the Durr Burger and Lexa start chasing him and try to tell her backstory and Charlotte shows up in her form and she said hand over Naruto and then the two girls start fighting each other and then they stopped and start being friends


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