never give up

GenshinImpact #Mihoyo #Shorts never give up Subscribe for more impact shorts and genshin gaming clips! Clip courtesy of Follow us on …


49 thoughts on “never give up”

  1. I spent almost $100 for Venti, did one more $30 for the road and told my screen “This is the last one, I’m serious Venti.” Then did a 10 pull. He came home 😼

  2. I don’t think I’ll pay more than 100 total on this game. It’s got about the same amount of content as a smaller indie game so I spent 15 so far, and as time progresses it’ll grow into the size of a whole game with a couple dlc, so 60+20+20 is my estimate for what Genshin is worth to me

  3. I feel guilty, I randomly "unboxed" her(Kequing) yesterday, and only started playing two weeks ago, my friend told me that I was beyond lucky and I still don't know what do with her:/

    P.S. haven't even spend a cent on this game😌

  4. Never give up UwU

    I have been playin for ages and I never EVER had a 5 star! But one wish I said: I will get a five star

    And I got Keqing

    I did say: ‘I will just get a three star’ on every other wish as well


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