NEVER LANE. DO NOTHING. WIN. Welcome To Janna Smite Top Lane – League of Legends

New Season 12 Smite Janna Top Gameplay! League of legends Janna Season 11 gameplay!
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Season 12 Janna runes guide League of Legends
Glacial – Free Boots – Futures Market – Approaching Velocity
Celerity – Mana Flow Band
10 AD – 10 AD – 6 Armor

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26 thoughts on “NEVER LANE. DO NOTHING. WIN. Welcome To Janna Smite Top Lane – League of Legends”

  1. for those who dont get it you can last hit with a support item when you have reached a number riot deems to many minions your last hits drop to 7 gold a kill, the support item only works when near a ally "Tribute" was put on the item that way to keep it out of solo lanes in an attempt to keep weaker supports out of solo lanes

  2. when we start to ignore the basic concept rules of this game, we should not be surprised when it goes down the drain.. you cant do what you want in a game with rules, its like playing chess but every figure can go everywhere… ruins it for everyone else on this match, massive chaos… of course you can win by breaking rules but you are not playing the game then..
    would you play poker with someone who constantly steals your cards?

  3. Never go top ever with this build. The idea is to put the enemy jungle out of the game while snowballing your jungle and getting every objective with the double smite. If done right your jungler should be 3 to 4 lvls up on the enemy jungler. Also, you get bounty gold because you are "behind" This is hard unless you duo Q with the jungle.

  4. The title is far too negative. So are many comments. The truth is that I'd love to see how the COMMUNITY responds in adjusting. Give it ime. New Gameplay strategies shouldn't often be punished. If it ends up being overwhelmingly strong statistically over a course of 6 months then you might have to turn janna down, as she just got a buff

  5. Inting sion and trundle player will be happy to see if you leave their lane, they will just dancing in your base if u leave lane for 1 mins, and watching super minion beating the shit out of your adc/ mid/ jg at 15 mins, for trundle, if u leave lane after the 5 mins mark, your tower is gone, for inting sion, he just don’t care.


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