New 1.5 Artifacts Pre-Release Analysis (Tenacity And Pale Flame Sets) | Genshin Impact

This video is my preliminary thoughts on these artifacts and what characters I think they may work well on. Further testing is needed in order to determine the real potential of the Tenacity of the Millelith and Pale Flame Artifact Sets, so take this video with a grain of salt. I will be testing these sets on release as I do believe the Pale Flame set has a lot of universal potential.

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Intro 0:00
Tenacity Set Description 0:51
Tenacity on Zhongli 2:17
Tenacity on Others 3:38
Thoughts on Tenacity Set 6:08
Pale Flame Set Description 6:51
Pale Flame Character Discussion 8:24
Closing Thoughts 10:21

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46 thoughts on “New 1.5 Artifacts Pre-Release Analysis (Tenacity And Pale Flame Sets) | Genshin Impact”

  1. I'd honestly use 4 Piece Tenacity of Millelith on my Fischl to boosts Zhongli/Diona Shield Strength so they can go their usual build. Fischl might lose some damage but the whole team will help constant attack and shield buff due to Fischl skill up time.

  2. When I first saw the set, my immediate thought was of diona because I really want shield strength on her. Then I saw it was 3 seconds and diona's skill procks once. I'm running a lot of ER so I can normally ult whenever my next E's up so I'll just keep noblesse.

    Kinda wish this set wasn't so Zhongli specific. I don't like just throwing noblesse on any character that doesn't have a set suited to their kit.

  3. I believe Diluc would benefit a ton off of the pale flame set. His skill CD is low enough and managed properly it'll enable the 4pc pale flame set to have 100% uptime.

  4. I personally don't like 4 Pale Flame since it kinda pigeonholes Razor and/or Eula to be 'selfish carries' in order to fully utilize the set/refresh stacks.

    On my current Razor team, at least, I can swap out early on his burst and not have to worry abt it.

  5. I agree so much. The only reason I don't want Zhongli is because he makes the game easy and therefore i dislike the gameplay when he's on the team. I have diona as my defensive support and the fact that this set is so close but doesn't work fully on diona is very annoying. Why is mihoyo making an already cracked character with boring gameplay even more cracked and intentionally leaving out less cracked character when the set almost looked perfect for diona.

  6. 2 Piece Tenacity set is pretty interesting for Hu Tao.

    So 4 Piece White Flame gives 50% Phis Damage and 18% Attack, but needs to be maintained.
    2 Piece Bloodstained and 2 Piece White just gives 50% Phis Damage, but it's all passive. Hmm…

    Gotta keep that in mind.

  7. Itโ€™s clear this guy doesnโ€™t play Xinyan, yet he choses to talk about her despite his lack of knowledge.
    This youtuber has successfully tarnished his own reputation.

  8. I think the fact that no new Electro characters have come out sense game release is intentional with Inazuma stopping handing out visions curious how that will change. Originally Geo wasn't a big deal till Zongli and then after that went through the roof. I think the same thing will happen in 2.0 expecting a Electro power spike. As for Zongli i'll keep my 2 Petra and 2 Noblesse his shield is pretty strong as it is. After testing i might change but it's a lot of effort to farm if there's not much different. Yeah sad it's tailor made for Zongli.

  9. Fischl could still make use of the 4 piece tenacity set by giving constant 20% attack boost. She can't shield, yes, but i wonder if it would work for shields created by characters other than the one with the artifact set

  10. when you say Diona can't take advantage of the 4 piece set because of her cooldown, wouldn't another character be able to keep the uptime for her? it says it can be triggered even if she's not on the field, or it has to be trigger by her regardless? just started the game a week ago so not sure about most of the mechanics

  11. The same thing happened with heart of depth it was specifically made for Childe. I mean Xingqiu and Mona can use it but it was absolutely made for Childe, because it's usually better to run Mona and Xingqiu with noblesse

  12. Dude, Rosaria E has 2 hits and is on a 6s cooldown. The 4pc paleflame has a 0.2s cooldown, meaning Rosaria's E can trigger the full 4pc bonus with just 1 E. The short 1 second window for keeping the 4pc set up doesn't matter when you just need to press E once and get the full stacks immediately

  13. Yes mihoyo did a bad descition making the zhongli set…
    This set will make albedo do 15% less geo damage and 20% less Q damage.. which is in my watch a huge dps loss…

    How ever … I would run 4 pc 1.5 set on albedo only in a quick swap team .. because then all the other 3 character will do 20% more damage … Which is better than albedo loosing some geo dmg
    Also geo damage% is additive to albedo's ascension passive (which is geo dmg bonus)
    So i think for a quick swap team comp…
    Its worth using 4 pc set on albedo…
    Gonna be huge dps gain on overall team ๐Ÿค”

    What do ya think??

  14. getting 4 piece set with good stats will take way too long. I rather use just the 2 piece set because artifact farming sucks and the 4 piece effects are way too specific making them restrictive to certain niche characters.

  15. I personally don't mind the new sets being specific, it makes me feel like my character really excels at one role rather than doing meh in several (with some exceptions like Noelle). I could do with better Zhongli artifacts anyway that aren't noblesse + glad and I intend on using 4pc pale flame for Eula. I can farm sets for both of them at once.

  16. The problem with Pale Flame is that the characters that could use it already have better builds: Electro Kequing, Freeze Kaeya, Freeze Rosaria, Ulti Spam Xiangling. Looking it this way, the set is only good for Eula and Razor

  17. I'm glad someone pointed out how underwhelming this set is for most characters. I think that even for Zhongli, not using Noblesse is a waste for his high Burst dmg, but this depends on how you prefer to build him.
    I could argue even for the pale flame set, it had some limitations that made it not so great, but fortunately they remade it to have 2 stacks (9% attack) instead of 3 stacks (6%), which is more reasonable imo.

  18. what do you think of 4 piece tenacity for off field supports like support fischl? it allows them to increase the teams attack while their skills are active

    edit: for example you could run a super conduct team where fischl runs 4 piece tenacity and you switch to a cryo phys dps (kaeya/rosaria/eula) and the dps will recieve the 20% atk buff from fischl


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