NEW 11.17 TIER LIST: MASSIVE CHANGES! – League of Legends

Huge BUFFS and NERFS in Patch 11.17 Tier List!
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00:00 – Introduction
00:44 – Item Changes
04:21 – Top Lane Changes
06:02 – Top Lane Tier List
06:42 – Jungle Changes
10:31 – Jungle Tier List
11:14 – Mid Lane Changes
13:39 – Mid Lane Tier List
14:12 – ADC Changes
16:15 – ADC Tier List
16:55 – Support Changes
17:43 – Support Tier List
18:16 – Outro

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50 thoughts on “NEW 11.17 TIER LIST: MASSIVE CHANGES! – League of Legends”

  1. Teemo's 3 dmg buff is actually pretty relevant… it's essentially his auto-attack dmg right. idk I think you're overlooking this buff. I think it's pretty big. any champion that gets an auto-attack buff is going to be relevant for them.

  2. it wouldn't be as big of a deal if it was the tick damage that was buffed. but it wasn't the tick dmg, was it? it's the on-hit damage. He gets this dmg for every auto-attack.

  3. wait, if i pay $12 a month im "GARANTEEED" to go up 5 divisions in the time span of 5 months? what a fucking scam legit so much free content to learn the fundamentals, DONT waste your money on these type of things you can legit go up a division with less than 20 games (thats like 5 games in 4 days) its not hard to get plat/ let alone gold. And if youre trying to get above diamond, this is even more of a scam because if what they said actually worked they wouldnt be diamond themselves.

  4. Senna from 4% to 8%
    this is massive as a 50% increase to her soul drop rate is insane

    imagine the stonks meme but instead of stonks its Meth

    and if you didnt get it yet dont bother replying just keep watching the video its almost over…

    ( note i know that it only increases 4% more than original but in the math world thats not 50% thats a 100% )


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