NEW 40K GAME! Blood Angels vs Tyranids! PC, PS5 & XBOX!

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We have a brand new video game coming from Slitherine, Battlesector! You’ll be able to fight across the surface of Baal and select either the Blood Angels or the Tyranids!

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46 thoughts on “NEW 40K GAME! Blood Angels vs Tyranids! PC, PS5 & XBOX!”

  1. Every time we don't get a game that is like Space Marine I die a little inside. I just want a single-player 3rd person shooter hack and slash game like Space Marine. I'm not saying this game will suck, but we already got Warhammer Total War3 coming out and that's a strategy game. Someone needs to tell the execs at GW to expand their variety. There are so very few video games nowadays that focus on 3rd person single-player experience. Most games out there are either first-person shooters, strategy, MMORPG, or simulation.

  2. My question is why we can't have another Space Marine, a 40K RPG, or, hell, why not make a legit Chapter Master? Fans have had solid ideas that could actually give the 40K something that isn't a Turn-based Strategy game. If you want to stick to strategy, fine! Give 40K some Total War love or delve into the insanity that is the bureaucracy/politics of the Imperium with a Crusader King's style of game. There are so many avenues that could be explored but you got to stop kicking this dead horse, GW!

  3. As everyone is saying we need to make a new Space Marine, I agree but let me offer a few counter points:

    1)GW has given out mass mass licences to basically whomever is willing to make 40K games. They are taking the Ork approach to this, let whomever make as many games as possible. If it works then great, if it fails then it will just sink into the warp, be forgotten and no real harm will be done. If it works out then awesome. This is how we got BattleFleet Gothic and Vermin tide . Those stuido that did well can go on to make greater works like BattleFleet Gothic 2 and DarkTide(hopefully good). Again, the Ork approach of lets just try and see what happens. Lets not forget that as far as I know GW does not put any money into these games at all, and good games create free marketing for them .

    2)For this developer, whom I dont know about to be honest, turn based is much easier to do. If they can do it right then maybe next game they will do RTS. Maybe. The developer choose to do a 40K game, let them create whatever they want.

    3)A Warhammer 40K game, no matter how bad will at least give us new art/artwork/voicelines content overall to add to the lore. Lets just be happy about that. Thankfully, because there are so many 40K games if the game is truly bad, it will just sink into the warp and no real harm will be done. Even that mobile game CM Valrak played recently had some cool cut scenes. Heck I love the Devastation of Baal I'm happy to see some of that action

  4. It looks like a cheap cellphone based game made by 10 cent. I want a real 40k game for once, either a legit FPS like space marine, a 40k total war with both space and land battles and a new damned rts with actual effort and complexity put into it. All of the 40k games have been a disappointment.

  5. I want GW to make an online game with all the armies where you can just play a game of 40k or Aos online and because GW wouldn’t want to do this because then people might not buy models as much then the way you could unlock units in game would be if GW added a barcode system on the back of warhammer boxes and you had to scan your units in

  6. So over cheap ass turn based 40k games. Like fuck necromunda wpuld have been perfect for a first person looter shooter but no, if i wanted a turn based game id play the table top 🙄

  7. tyranids only playble in skirmish alright, i might pick it up once in steam sales maybe. not gonna pay full price for a space marine story. But i guess we nid players can be happy now, we got featured in a game to just be shredded into pieces and be the weak ai, while the space marines will total dominate again great.

  8. Turn based 40k games are just getting dull, there's so many now, it's like they're just throwing s**t at the wall hoping that something sticks.

    It's like GW are hoping a turn based pc/playstation/xbox game will be a gateway to starting the hobby. Just let the lore and awesomeness of 40k speak for itself and let companies make a VARIETY of 40k games!

    Space Marine abd DOW were successful because they were so immersive, these newer games just don't cut it.

  9. I always wince when I see Slytherine and 40k used in the same sentence. Where's the cover system? If they can't even get the most basic fundamental of a TBS game right they aren't exactly doing themselves any favours

  10. I wonder if by "fast paced" they mean they're using their simultaneous turn system from Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock. Maybe you set the orders for each unit then the turn plays out in real time determining the results. I've been dying for a ground combat version of that system.

  11. I seen the title of the video and I instantly thought in my head (please be a spin-off of space marines please) but oh look another turn based game smh, it’s funny the space marine game was such a simple design and gameplay and I loved the hell out of it when I was younger I’d hope they’d do something like but with customization and fighting on different worlds that shit would’ve been tough but whatever lol


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