NEW AGENT "Bounty Hunter" ABILITIES REVEALED! – Valorant Leaks

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Today we bring more news on the newest agent code named Bounty Hunter! All of her abilities were leaked today and now we have a better idea of what the agent does. That’s why we’ll cover all of her abilities and also anything else we know about the new agent!

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0:00 Intro
0:29 Abilities
0:46 E ability- Haunt
1:20 Q ability- Seize
1:56 C ability- Prowler
2:32 Ultimate ability
3:09 Closing thoughts
3:59 Conclusion

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39 thoughts on “NEW AGENT "Bounty Hunter" ABILITIES REVEALED! – Valorant Leaks”

  1. Maybe the ultimate will have a timer just like skyes and it wont go forever to debuff the enemies but it will be invulnerable its sad Because I thought this agent could control turret and smokes and others as a ability but you know the game alr has so much of those utility

  2. Hello what I think about his ult is that it'll be a combination of breach's type ult and viper's smoke + omen's blind like looks and they'll be decayed (and other impacts of ult stated) on contact with the ult.

  3. So what i understand the ult is more of a breaches ult wich will make a wave and trail debuff seems like there would be footstpes visible and that could be cool

  4. It sounds like this will be the first agent to have abilities that stack. Two of her abilities say they "trail" the enemy", which I'm guessing meaning they have a trail showing their position. Her Prowler ability can be controlled, or can go after enemies that have been Trailed.

  5. The new character sounds lame 😒 nothing new here ppl just an imitation of skye abilities and Reyna this is just a watered down version, oh btw his stun orb stays up for 1.5 secs let me just shoot that 😂 oh and his ult similar to vipers lol cmon dude are we really sitting here playing this game waiting for NEW Hero’s only to get to abilities that washed down version or just too similar.

  6. The reason why the throwables stay in the air before it goes down the ground and function is because maybe that 1.5 second it's in the air it can be destroyed to cancel the ability


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