NEW AGENT META Taking Over Valorant – BEST and WORST Agents Tier List Guide


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48 thoughts on “NEW AGENT META Taking Over Valorant – BEST and WORST Agents Tier List Guide”

  1. I have an idea for a buff to disruption; it knocks people off the spike. Not for the duration, and it doesn't move them. Just stops them from defusing or planting (They can still plant/defuse while cuncussed, its just when they get hit).

  2. I recently picked up astra and went up significantly in rank. Lower ranks don’t know how to counter her. Went from gold to diamond by picking her up. Always had super good aim but something was holding me back and the play style I was playing just wasn’t as good as it is with me playing astra.

  3. Astr needs a limit on the amount of stars used per round since she can pre emptively place them and interact with them whenever she wants while other smoker have to open a map. She should have to enter astral form to us abilities IMO but that still won’t be enough.

  4. you called chamber an initiator & you said Kayo can nullify Astra players on Breeze when I think you meant to say Viper… holy shit balls get it together bro. Have ur mom proofread the script first.

    Do more of these data anlysis videos. They are better than just making shit up.

  5. As a controller main, I don't think Astra needs a HUGE nerf, I do think she needs a nerf (something like being able to use gravity well+nova pulse or just gravity well just once), but not big enough to bring her to level of Omen/Brimstone. Omen is good for destroying in ranked, Brimstone is simple, so if someone's new to the game and needs to play controller, he can play Brimstone, but I don't think every agent has to be pro level viable.
    Every single Astra's ability is amazing, whereas Omen might have the worst ult in the game+his tp isn't that great either and Brimstone might have the worst ability in the game – stim beacon.
    So the solution for this is just adding new controller agents that can actually compete with Astra wihout nerfing her into oblivion.

  6. Game is long overdue a major balance overhaul, ability power creep has made the game feel like Overwatch recently, also delete Chamber or actually make duelists worth playing again to compensate.

  7. The content idea of having the meta shift is always "good" when it relates to mixing things up. I am a fan of more game knowledge and mechanics over face rolling so. As for your sova question. I think he is honestly fine right where he is. Jett has a weird feel sometimes where she is either. needed or kinda just there. I personally would love to see a character like Breach be played more on all maps as I love that team setup style play or maybe omen getting a major buff to lean him more into a blind sort of meta. Could be fun to see his Ult do more than just scout a spot and get popped or drop in and flank. Maybe something as simple as if its shot it blinds the area of vision. Little changes to make them more fun and fit that. well smoke teleport style of play omen likes.

  8. Y everyone keep wanting to nerf my girl jett she's already been nerfed enough to where most of the fun things about her were taken away. Just buff the other agents like Phoenix because the newer releases are starting to outshine the older ones

  9. I don't think KJ is gonna die (in meta) anytime soon or ever. Plus Astra isn't going to replace her and that's the truth whether anyone likes it or not. Pros pick chamber ONLY because this agent requires god aim to play with. Other than that he's just like sage. They still need KJ to stop a hard push, her ult dosen't even need any explanation, post plant, lineups and everything sentinel needs KJ has and no other sentinel is on her level.

  10. viper doesn't need a nerf, since there is no other controller to sort out large maps, but fuck astra i want omen back

    and brim needs some attention as well


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