*NEW* Apex Legends WTF & Funny Moments #672

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This is episode #672 of our Apex Legends WTF & funny moments series.

の最高の瞬間 Apex Legends.

➡️ Got a clip? Submit it here to be featured: https://www.topapexplays.com/submit
💜 Hosted by Izedeptic: https://www.youtube.com/user/IZEDEPTICGAMES & https://twitter.com/IZEDEPTIC


Welcome to Top Apex Plays. We focus on bringing you high-quality and well-edited Apex Legends highlights & funny moments. Our dedicated team of highly-skilled video editors produce daily videos showcasing the best plays sent in by you, the Top Apex Plays community. Our videos also keep you up to date with the latest Apex Legends news and announcements and show off new in-game content.

When it comes to our videos, we like to do things differently compared to other channels. First off, our host Izedeptic commentates over the clips in every video. Commentary allows us to add value by making observations or giving pointers that will help YOU improve your gameplay or gives you a better understanding of what’s going on in each clip.

We also provide you—the viewer—an opportunity to be featured in our videos so you can show off your skills in front of thousands of people. To submit your clip, complete our submission form: https://www.topapexplays.com/submit


46 thoughts on “*NEW* Apex Legends WTF & Funny Moments #672”

  1. I feel insulted whenever a teammate purposely disconnects even if (my other teammate and) I still have a chance of recovering them, it's like they're telling you that you're not a good-enough teammate and also basically tells that they have no faith in you

  2. Is this video a joke or what? How tf is that clip from start where he misses all this shots on gibby and then punches him, what kind of potato aim is that, seriously some clips in these are so ass. "Wtf moments" fat rat's ass

  3. dude i didn’t search mirage highlights. like if i wanted to make a collage of my top kills then i could but people get kills like that all the time including me so not tryna see someones collages of like 20 kills in different games😂

  4. I love how I've submitted so many clips and yet to have seen on even tho I know at least one should be on here. Yet the mirage guy had 4 minutes of the video to himself


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