NEW AVOID FEATURE INCOMING – Valorant Devs Doing The Right Thing – Update Guide

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45 thoughts on “NEW AVOID FEATURE INCOMING – Valorant Devs Doing The Right Thing – Update Guide”

  1. Can we also talk about afk losses that we face? Like solo queued in gold 2 only to get 2 afks after round 3, infact me and one more of my team were the top match mvps(like the top 2) and we lost 9-13 which led me to lose 24 rr. My suggestion to solve this is to make it that the teamates of the afks font lose rr , or a significantly less rr like 3-4(as in case of draws) if they do play well (or even if they dont). I understand that this can be abused by stacks and, one player among them can just afk. To avoid this, this feature only applies to players who are not in a stack. Players who are part of the stack and the afk player should get the current penalty. I am open to more thinking on this, what do you guys think?

  2. I like the avoid feature. but i need multiple slots, and maybe make a feature where i can block people from specific region/language where most people don't speak English. it is very frustrating teaming up where 2 people only speak Turkish, and they play their own game And then you have 1 Romainen and one French guy who tries but you don't understand. maybe if Riot only teamed up people who installd Valorant in the same language.

  3. Adding on to the ranked lvl system, it shouldn’t be a level like 30 because my main is 21 and I’m in diamond, so level should be like 20, it makes it where you have to play enough to where smurfs wouldn’t spend too much time trying to get their alts up a few lvls and people could enjoy ranked as a lower level just to o get the experience

  4. I have played with my iron friends Iam also iron
    We played a match in comp where another friend joined (ingame)
    This guy was a smurf radient hes in top 600 in my region my server is bahrain..
    And headshoted and carried the whole team 13-1!
    Plus we cant quit cause of this problem of being banned..and plus the games surrender system sux it needs everyone to surender agree and 1 will be afk
    Another will be confident rest 3 is willling to surrender but these 2 wont allow

  5. Honestly with your wife, if you’ve gotten her everything she wants, then give her an experience that’s new and didn’t expect. Like maybe some weird food place followed by a weird attraction. Something fun and bonding, more than just a gift. But if a gift is really what she wants, then maybe a gift that caters towards a hobby of hers. 🙂congrats on the anniversary Coach Mills. 🎉 🥳 👏

  6. i think block list should go hand in hand with reporting… so when they ban people that you report and they send you the notification that action has been taken, they should also give you the option to block them (so you can't block people just because they're bottom fragging and you don't want them on your team)

    the only downside is they rarely take action on toxic voice comms (which is way more common and worse) unless if you're a streamer lmao

  7. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again.

    Link mobile phone numbers to accounts so people can’t just just have 6 accounts or have half a dozen blokes all smurf on 1 account.

    I know people who do this sadly.

  8. i think they should buff first.. look in game making/creating, it's easier to just create/make a really buff/strong/op character first. and then slowly nerf it down depending on the game data. take viper as an example, riot was so careful that they buff her lil by lil last year, and did nothing to her pick rate. but now, becos of her good buff early this year (-50 immediately after entering her smoke), her pick rate got bumped up. and then, they nerf her a lil, by reducing the dmg from 50 to 30. and she's in a good position now. they are so careful with buffing brim, that basically it did nothing. yeah he got 22 sec smoke. but that's it..

  9. They should add a Smurf ban or restrict them from playing ranked permanently, when reported many time . This would help to decrease Smurfs in low elo or people who throw the game .

  10. Sometimes people playing the game for rhe first time and they directly play comp now two games with them i am iron again .whats intresting is they instalock an agent who they dont the name too when we say flash they will ask what is a flash …

  11. A Dinner is always a good choise, something romantic that both can enjoy, and a nice stay at her favorite place (this could go from beach to watching the night stars, or even if you both are more for in-home stuff, cuddle in bed to watch some sweet shows of her choosing) oh yeah and flowers, NEVER forget the flowers

  12. I hope riot work more to try to fix the smurf issue. Today I got a smurf he said he was immortal 2 (I am silver 3 ) the match which was supposed to be my match to gold I lost he was heavy carrying having over 40kills and he was so toxic I checked his account and he was unrank no unrank player unless a smurf could be that pro in valorant. The smurf also always mock us on kills and saying bad words. Hope the valorant community will become not toxic and less smurf because it is ruining my time, games and mentality

  13. as a kay o main, i would hate if there was an "avoid" feature, because im also inconsistent with how i play. sometimes i get 30 kills in a match, sometimes i get just 6. also, most of the time a 4 stack or 3 stack in my my valo games, and i just bottom frag bc i would rather make jokes and flash out my team rather than going in and killing ppl like kay o was ment to do bc thats just my play style at that moment

  14. If this game would have been a fully chracter based game they should be buffing the weak agents and just nerfing the good ones a small amount. But Valorant is not fully about the agent, the gunplay is also very important so I believe they should nerf the good agents not buff the bad ones.


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