New Champion Vex is BEYOND RIDICULOUS (Teleport One-Shot RESETS…) Vex Gameplay – League of Legends

New Champion Vex is BEYOND RIDICULOUS (Teleport One-Shot RESETS…) Vex Gameplay – League of Legends
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38 thoughts on “New Champion Vex is BEYOND RIDICULOUS (Teleport One-Shot RESETS…) Vex Gameplay – League of Legends”

  1. So her ult gives her vision nice now can we give trundle bk his vision on his pillar. All these out kitted new champs whilst nerfing old champs that were fine to begin with. Does Yis alpha strike still cancel turret shots 🤔🤔🤔

  2. Idk man they released a bunch if broken low skill champs like Samira,Sett,Yone,Seraphine,that Doll champ(cant remember the name),Mordekaiser and now they realease this balanced champion…she will not stand a chance

  3. I think you max w first in melee matchups. The ap ratio is bad, but the base damage is still high so you can waveclear with it, and the shield gets massive as well.

    It'd be super op to go cd boots and get the cdr from the mage items. It goes from 20 to 12 seconds at max rank, with 30% cdr that'd put it down to about 8 seconds. The cd might be a bit too long for that to be worth it, but I could see it being a pretty safe way to play into some more aggressive top laners instead of maxing q.


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